Chapter 24 The Way

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Michaels POV

I let my eyes wander the quiet room as everyone is sat doing their own thing, I look at dan and notice the change,I knew there was something different but I couldent quite work it out ill now,dan isent so protective , he isent constantly watching out every second like before which means he must trust me now which sucks because now he'll kill me even more when he finds out and I don't even know if that's possible. But when I think about it,he's really got nothing to worry about because were leaving soon and its going to be quite a while before we get the chance to come back and were so busy that I can't just come and visit . I haven't told sophia about us leaving soon yet but I don't doubt that she already knows I mean everything we do or are going to do is all over the world before we even know. Now that I'm thinking about us leaving I cannot help but wonder what will happen to me and sophia once I'm gone, I mean I don't even know what we are and once I leave,its all going to become even more confusing then it is right now.

I take a quick look at sophia and get a glimpse of her on her phone tapping away like she doesent even need to look at the screen. I pick up my phone from the arm of the sofa and bring up her number

To Sophia;

Meet me upstairs in about 5 minutes x

I get up and take a look at her reaction at the text before walking upstairs asif I need to use the toilet and I wait till she follows me up which doesent take long.

"Hey what's up?" She says walking into her room

"Can we talk?" I ask not wanting to sound asif were breaking up in this no existant relationship of ours

"Okay yeh?" She replys in an unsure tone taking a seat on her bed,looking up at me

"What are we exactly?" I ask putting my hands in my front jean pockets

"What do you mean?" Sophia raises her eyebrow but the smile does not leave her face

"Well are we friends? A couple? I just ..I'm abit confused" I admit

"Well that makes two of us" she laughs playing with her hands

"You know I'm leaving soon?" I ask sitting next to her, shifting so that I'm facing her.

"I've actually been trying not to think about it" she looks down and I grab her hands holding it in mine

"Me too,I dident realise that coming here I'd meet you" I admit letting a smile form on my face

"So what happens when you leave? , is that it? Do we carry on talking or do we forget this ever even happened?" She asks seriousness growing on her face

"Why is forgetting even an option,do you want that?" I raise my eyebrow a little confused as to why she might consider forgetting those moments we've had,they may be very little but atleast they are something,to me anyway.

"It just seems like the easiest option because quite frankly I've fallen for you hard michael and its going to be bloody hard when you leave because ill have to deal with hardly getting texts because you'll be busy and you'll slowly forget about me" I don't think words could of fucked my mind up as much as those did because now I realise ill be leaving her ,yes they'll be no more sneaking around but that's not by choice .

"I don't want to just forget it all sophia" I beg meaning everyword, I move my body closer to her and slip my hand under her chin lifting it up gently so that she's looking up directly at me before leaning in to what started of as a small kiss and ended in a long passionate kiss , not wanting to pull away , I mumble against her lips

"Now tell me you want to forget"

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