Chapter 13 Maybes

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Michaels POV

I must say waking up with a girls head laid on my chest with my arms around her is something I haven't experianced in a very long time and it felt kind of weird but a good weird because it wasent just any girl,it was sophia. Being the first awake,I took full advantage of taking in the silence as I look down at the girl who I cannot stop thinking about. As I look at sophia my mind goes back to something dan said, to me and the lads which he told us to promise not to tell her but the more I think about it,the more it bothers me "None of you can grow feelings for sophia,because even if you do,you can be with her,she's my sister so basically over my dead body" but ofcourse it would be me to be falling for the only girl I can't have , typical.

Quickly realising that everyone will be waking up soon,I gently move sophia off of me because I'd hate to see dans reaction if he saw us like it,we haven't done anything but he doesent know that. After moving her I start to relax knowing its not the day I'm going to die although I'd rather go back to how I was before,sophia looked so peaceful and I had her in my arms . Not bothering to go back to sleep I sit up and go on my phone hoping someone will wake up soon because not entirely loving the silence.

*about 2 hours later*

"Did dan see?" Sophia whispered as soon as dan left the room to go upstairs

"No,I moved when I woke up so don't worry" I reassured her before smiling

"Good,he'd go mental" she spoke with a half serious face and half calm face

"I know,but all we did was well cuddle I guess" I justified

"Yeh I guess" she replied smiling at me

I can't help but take a moment to admire her,for someone who's just woken,she still looks just as beautiful as always , I realise I must be staring at her as she waves her hand in my face

"What's wrong? Is my hair really messy? Or something,why are you staring?" She fussed making me laugh

"Nothing you look beautiful" I confess slightly confident because were the only two in the room

"Don't be ridiculous I've just woken up" she replies laughing at me but I still notice her blush slightly at my comment .

"And? Its natural beauty" I reply with a cheesy grin

"Are you blind?" She questions with her eyebrow raised

"Definately not,I just have good taste in girls " I reply still admiring her

"Well damn I thought you only had eyes for me" she joked crossing her arms in laughter

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