Chapter 20 Knowing

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Sophias POV

Its been a whole day and I still can't stop thinking about michael ,I can't help but read those texts over and over again drilling it into my head more and more but how? How can michael clifford ever be into me . I can't help but be insanely distracted right now in class,my mind is filled with thoughts of michael. I feel my phone start vibrating in my pocket,I look up and slyly pull out my phone under the table , I look and smile happily at a text from michael


'What Time do you finish today?x"


'3;00 why?x"

My mind wanders off thinking about why michael wants to know,he might want to hang out which could either be great because we haven't seen eachother in days or really really awkward considering he told me he likes me over text.


'Just Wondering x"

Well that's confusing,why would he just ask I mean don't most schools finish at 3 and I don't know why else he would want to know other than wanting to meet up .


'Your a weird one michael x'

I put my phone in my pocket as my teacher starts walking over , I pick up my pen and act asif I've been working this whole entire time.

I pick up my bag and get up as the bell rings walking towards the exit , I pull out my phone from my pocket hoping for a text from michael but strangely there isent one at all. Is it weird that I really want to speak to him but I'm scared to be the first one to pop up? I know that sounds weird as hell but its like maybe ill text him and he won't want to speak.

I walk out and walk towards the exit gate only to see a brightly haired boy leaning against it staring right at me,I can't help but smile as I walk towards michael. I walk over to him and almost instantly he pulls me into his arms holding me close to him receiving a smile from my lips.

"What are you doing here?" I grin looking up at him

"I thought I'd surprise you" he replies

"Cute" I say smiling at his hand holding onto mine with our finger entwining

"So where are we going ?" I add walking towards his car with him

"I thought we could go see a movie or something? You could tell dan your out with friends or staying back to study?" He suggests

I nod in agreement and pull out my phone bringing up dans number and ringing him

"Sophia?" Dan says as he picks up

"Hello" I reply making up what I'm going to say in my head

"What's up?" He asks ,I can tell he's busy

"I just wanted to let you know that ill be home abit later as I'm going to go libary to study" I lie hoping he'll believe me

"Alright,just don't be back too late yeh?" He replies abit of concern adding to his tone

"Okay" I reply and we say our goodbyes and hang up

"Done?" Michael asks getting in the car

"Yes" I reply with a slight nod before getting in the car

"Did you have a good day?" He asks looking at me with that adorable smile of his

"It was okay" I say leaning back in the car seat

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