Chapter 8 You lose

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Sophias POV

"You really do suck at this game" michael mocks as I attempt to play this awful game that calum suggested we all play,really was a poor decision . He's right I really do suck but hey I'm pressing every single button and nothing is happening ,its broken yes that's my conclusion ,this stupid game is broken. "Like you can do any better"I hit back before sticking my tongue out without removing my eyes from the tv screen infront of me. "But you know that I so could" he laughs attemtping to show sass by flicking his hair . I must say for the amount of times michael has dyed his hair I'm surprised he's not bald right now,infact I'm pleasantly surprised.

"I'd like to see you try" I say before breaking eye contact with the tv and turning to look at him then wiggling my eyebrows as to say 'game on' only to receive a giggle.I hand the controller over to michael and watch as he holds it in his large hands . "You know I've never been challenged by a girl before during video games" michael says already thrashing my score , "well I guess I'm your first"I reply wiggling my eyebrows "well I guess you are" michael replies with a slight smile .

*2 Hours later*

"Don't lie sophia I know that you know who our band is" michael argues as I try to hold my laughter in , ofcourse I know who 5 seconds of summer are but why not have a little fun.

"You've got to be kidden me right?" Ashton laughs staring straight at me,god its like I'm being Interrogated .

"Not everyone knows you" I mock finding this highly amusing ,I watch as dan laughs in the corner,he knows full well that I know them but I guess he's on my side this time

"Well I'm disapointed" michael replies before sticking his bottom lip out,is he trying to give me feels because its working

"Well I'm sorry about that" I say feeling a little smirk form on my face knowing instantly its going to break my cover

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