Chapter 5 Almost

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Sophias POV

You know that feeling when you wake up and you have no idea when you fell asleep or what's happen while you've been asleep. The last thing I remember was trying to find something decent to watch while listening to every single noise that house made hoping no murder came in to kill you. Looking to my side I realise that michael is no longer next to me and the house is pretty much silent,picking up my phone and looking at the time I realise I've been asleep for about 2 hours only making it 11 at night. Instantly giving me a heart attack I hear that noise you get when people put their key in and open the door. Straight away I hear dan and the others boys voices,I stand up and make my way to the door but get beaten to it by a messy haired michael with a cup of tea in his hand.

"Sorry were abit late,took longer then I originally thought" dan spoke while walking into the house. I look At michael,his hair all over the place and to top it off he had these very sleepy tired eyes and I must say he looks more then adorable. What's weird is I don't think I've ever looked at michael in this way before,sure I've thought he's cute but now he's like very very attractive and I cannot poossibly stop looking at him.

"Whaaat?" Michael spoke breaking me out of my thoughts , "what?" I answer looking up at him in confusion .

"You were staring" what's weird is when he said this I could of sworn I saw him smirk just a tiny bit. His comment made me blush almost instantly

"No I wasent,don't flatter yourself" I mock before walking back into the front room hoping that he'll drop it.

"Yes you was" michael replies as he follows me in with an almost sure of himself look on his face

"You wish clifford" Is all I manage to get out as dan walks into the room

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