Chapter 21 Hold

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Sophias POV

I don't think I've ever been in a position in my whole entire life that has made me feel this comfortable , me and michael have been in the cinema for about half an hour now and we are already cuddled up to eachother as much as you can in those tiny seats. I can't help but smile with my head rested on michaels shoulder,his hand reaching up and playing with with my hair gently. What's weird is ,its like this is normal for the both of us, like were always like this but in reality we've never been like this together before but its all just become so natural. Without realising I find my self turning away from the movie to look up at him,I smile at his concentration facial expression that turns into a slight smile as he notices me watching.

"You okay?" He asks turning to face me,his face close to mine.

"I'm good"I reply flashing him a slight smile only to receive a sweet kiss on my cheek

"You like the movie?" Michael asks,I feel his arms pull me in closer

"Its good"I reply lying because I haven't even been paying attention to any of it

"I'm glad" he replies,his voice soft and gentle

I can't help but think about michael and me because quite frankly...what are we? Are we just friends? Even though we both know we have feelings for eachother? Or does he want to be something more? I'm scared to ask because what if I get the answer I dread to hear?.

"I feel you thinking" michael giggles looking down at me making me laugh slightly

"Yeh I was" I admit looking up at him

"What was you thinking about?" Michael asks with a little smile on his face

"You.." I admit unsure of whether I should of admitted that

"You were thinking about me?" Michael asks with a smile

"Yes" I reply

"Glad to know that were on the same level because all I do is think about you" he admits making me smile like an absolute weirdo.

"You do?" I ask trying to hide the massive smile growing on my face.

"Yes babe" he admits smiling looking straight at me making me blush slightly

"Can ..can I kiss you?" Michael asks making me giggle slightly at the fact he asked me ,hardly being able to contain my smile I give him a slightly nod and he leans forward placing a gentle kiss on my lips,I can almost feel him smile against my lips making me smile too

"You have no idea how long" michael says leaving me slightly cofused

"How long? What?" I ask still smiling

"How long I wanted to kiss you" he admits smiling

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