Chapter 30 Dont

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Sophias POV;

You know that moment when you feel like your missing something ,you know what but you can't quite figure how to get rid of the feeling. Todays the day the boys are going and michael hasent stopped trying to contact me since that night and I've tried my hardest to ignore him but the struggle is real. I can't tell you amount of times at night where I've brought up michaels number and typed in a message only to delete it straight away. I know he's done nothing wrong and I shouldent be ignoring him like this but it seems like its the only and best thing to do, I hate that I think this but maybe he'll do a lot better without me around. I haven't really spoken to dan and I don't intend to just yet, I need him to realise that he can't keep being so protective over me because he's not always going to be there to help me out.

"Sophia" dan shouts banging on the door once, not the kind of angry shout,the more shout you get when foods done.

"Go away dan" I reply with absolutely no effort what so ever

"Just hear me out please , I have to talk to you about something" dan explains on the other side of the door,it baffles me that he hasent just opened the door.

"I don't want to listen to you,you ruin everything" I groan wanting him to leave me to alone to mope around

"Look I'm sorry, I dident mean for that to happen I was just trying to be a big brother and I was just scared that you'd get hurt" dan explains

"Michael would never hurt me" I say confidently,knowing this fact for sure

"I know that now, I just was looking out for you,I was annoyed that you felt like you had to lie to me ,I thought that you knew you could tell me anything,ofcourse I would of been annoyed but I would of been happier if I had heard it from you instead of seeing you both together" dan explains and I let out a sigh

"What is your point dan because he's leaving and I'm probably not going to see him again so yeh" I say looking up at the ceiling wanting this conversation to end

"My point is,I fucked up but there's still a chance things could be made up" he explains making me sit up confused, I walk to the door and open it slightly

"What do you mean" I ask

"Well you have an hour to get dressed and get to the airport to say goodbye to him and whatever you kids do" he explains and I shrug

"He won't want to see me now,I've been ignoring him" I confess and cross my arms

"Well if that's so he wouldent of told me that you have an hour hoping you'll turn up" he laughs slightly and it hits me, I need to see him because I hate not speaking to him, I hate not seeing that goofy smile of his and I hate not hearing his voice.

I shut the door leaving dan confused by my no reply and instantly grab anything that can make an outfit . I get dressed and run down the stairs not being careful to watch where I'm going, without warning I run out the door hoping I get to him in time because even if he forgets me,at least ill get a goodbye.

I jump out of the cab and run into the airport , my head turning several times to see if I can see him , I look at the time and the smile disapears from my face,I'm 5 minutes late which means he's probably gone .I let out a sigh and run a hand through my hair .

"Sophia?" A voice behind me makes me jump but I instantly recognise it.

"Michael..I t-thought you had gone" I say walking towards him

" came..dan told you.." He says with a smile on his face, without replying I walk into his chest and he wraps his arms tightly around me like he doesent want to let me go.

"I'm sorry for not answering you" I apologize and he shakes his head kissing mine gently

"Don't worry about it,your here with me now" he asures me and I smile which doesent last long

"But your leaving soon" I look up at him

"I know but it isent over, we will work this out because in those days where I dident have you, it felt awful and I hated that feeling so I refuse that let that feeling return" he says

"But you live so far" I moan sticking out my bottom lip

"Ill be back before you know it,don't you worry " he smiles and kisses me ,his hand reaching up to touch my face gently and I smile

"Don't you dare forget about me now" I laugh and he shakes his head

"Like that's going to happen,I can't get you out of my mind" he explains before grabbing his bag making it more real that he has to leave

"Please don't go" I beg realising how much I want him here with me

" I have to babe but I promise that we will work things out" he explains before pulling away from our close embrace

And that's it, I watch him walk away as if ill never see him again

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