Chapter 12 Thoughts

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Sophias POV

Sometimes I just have thoughts nights where all I do is think,most of the time my mind is so full with thoughts that I don't know where to start. Its about 10 at night and Im sat with the boys watching a film that I have no idea what the name is but all I know its,its extremely boring and I have no intention of watching it properly which is funny because I don't think ashton or dan have any intention too as they have already fallen asleep...well.

"Psst psst" michael says in my ear clearly trying to get my attention

"What?" I ask looking at him, the rooms quite dark so all I really see Is michaels hair which is quite funny.

"I don't get this film" he confesses with a slight confused look on his face,bloody hell he's adorable ,the pain of trying to resist grabbing his cheeks is unbelievable...

"I don't get it either,its also very boring" I say ,turning my body slightly to face him so I don't have to keep moving my neck in the most uncomfortable position invented.

"Who decided to watch this?" He asks fidgiting around in his seat

"You did" I mock because he did and now he's moaning which I must admit is the cutest thing ever.

"Oh yeh.." He realises and crosses him arms "my mind peer pressured me" he adds on in pure laughter.

I let out a laugh,without giving it much thought I rest my head on his shoulder,before realising I figure its probably to late to back out and leave my head there but to my surprise I feel his arm wrap around my back pulling me into his tight grip.

"This is a little cute"I hear him mumble quietly,I figure he's trying to be quiet to not wake up dan because quite frankly if dan saw us in this position he would go absolutely mad and would go on and on about how I'm his little sister ,all this annoying stuff really.

"It is" I reply before looking up at him,giving him a little smile then looking back down at the tv

What's weird I've only ever had one real relationship and he never made me feel like this but what's also weird is,I don't know what 'this ' is . I guess you could say that michael makes me feel good..happy and I know hardly anything about him but I cannot simply get him off of my mind. I can't help but smile as I feel him start to play around with my hair and from what I can make out he starts to plaits my hair which I can its a massive fail from his "thats not right.." "Wait no its this way" ,letting laughter slip through my lips I look up at him and he flashes me a smile.

After a while I look around and realise were the only two left awake whcich ofcourse I don't mind and if I'm honest I don't think michael does either.

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