Chapter 4 Promise

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Sophias POV

After promising dan about 15 times that I will not do anything stupid or be annoying he has left me in a room with michael clifford so that he can go with the other lads,I mean he would of left me alone but michael volunteered so many times,I don't really think dan had a choice although I know he would of prefered it if I was alone but you don't always get what you want. I've only been in this room with michael for aproximately 10 minutes and I'm already noticing my self admiring him ofcourse its slyly,I'd be horrified if he noticed. I had heard of 5 Seconds of summer and I'd be lying if I said I dident have a few of their songs hidden on my phone but there is no way I'm going to let him know that,I'd completely die of embarrassment.

I guess he probably noticed the awkward silence too because he got up and turned on the tv before searching for the remote which was a complete fail and I'm pretty sure michael needs to glasses,after letting him suffere for 5 minutes,I get up and retrieve the remote from its place and hand it to him. " Was it there the whole time?" Michael asked in pure embarrassment that he hadent noticed it which was rather cute . I give him a slight nod and he let's out his all too familiar laugh before slumping back down onto the sofa next to me and choosing a channel. "So how comes dans never mentioned you before I mean isent that a little weird,your his sister" michael says with his eyes peeled on the tv,I realise how weird it must look to others I mean dan is practically hiding me away from the world like he's ashamed of me . "I guess he has his reasons,he just never gives them" I cross my arms as I say this not amused by his show of choice .

Hours must have past without me even realising because its become dark outside which is weird because dan said he'd only be an hour not that I mind being alone with michael but he's already fallen asleep and I'm not going to lie..I hate being home alone at night.

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