Chapter 17 Sneaky

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Sophias POV

I'm not usually the type of person to get nervous or scared but in this certain situation I can't help but be those things. Its been about a week since the boys left and its been weird to say the least but me and michael speak like every day and night through texts which is slightly cute. Today I'm meant to be going school which is really inconvenient as I don't ever want to go but today I'm not going because I'd rather see michael instead which is a risk because one dan would kill me just for going to see michael alone let alone missing school for it so basically its one massive secret and yeh I'm shit at keeping them. I do my usually routine but instead of putting on my uniform I put on my own casual clothes which means ill have to run super fast down the stairs and come up with some sort of lame excuse.

I grab my bag and make my way downstairs,assuming dans still asleep as the lack of sound I take the opportunity to not rush which fails when dan walks out of the kitchen and looks my outfit up and down.

"Where is your uniform sophia?" Dan questions,its kind of hard to take dan seriously when he's in cartoon pjs I mean really.

"Its none uniform day" I lie quickly on the spot hoping that dans still sleepy enough to believe this awful lie

"Why dident you tell me before?" He asks running his hand through his hair

"I don't know,I forgot" I say wanting to leave the house now

"Alright,well go then you'll be late" he says before walking up to his room

Realising how close that was I let out a sigh and walk outside,I can't help but already want to back out but at the same time I've been invited to hang out with a real life boy,have I made it yet? . I make my way to the busstop and wait for the bus to come, I feel my stomach suddenly be invaded by butterflies. As soon as I'm on the bus I can't help but want to run off and go come, maybe this is a big mistake,what if dan gets really made about it but most of all what if michaels all different when its really just the two of us ,not knowing is what scares me.

I feel my hands shake as I knock on the door,my body fills with suspence as I wait for someone to open the door , after wait 10 seconds the door opens slightly and lukes head is stuck round the corner

"You here for michael?" He asks opening the door fully letting me in

I give him a sight nod and he points towards michaels bedroom, I walk towards the room and open the door slowly to reveal michael choosing out some clothes which is funny because I can see the frustation in his facial expression because he can't decide between two shirts

"I like the grey one" I say walking in slowly ,he turns to face me and reveals that cute smile of his

"Hello you" he says expanding his arms ,I walk forward and he pulls me into a warm hug which I did not want to pull away from.

"Hello" I whisper not too quiet but loud enough for him to hear me

"Where does dan think you are?" He asks putting his arm around my shoulder

"School" I reply ,my mind drifting back to dan which is a massive downer

Noticing how much I really don't want to talk about dan michael swiftly changes the subject

"So the grey one you say?" He says lifting it up as I give him the nod of approval

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