Chapter 22 Shh

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Sophias POV

I look down and smile at my hand in michaels hand as we walk ,our arms swinging as we take steps. I can't help but wonder about the time,you know its getting late when the sky starts getting darker and right now,its pitch black which means if I'm not home soon,dan will throw a fit. I can't help but go back and look at how big michaels hands are compared to mine and I know he's noticed too because he keeps looking .

"I should get going home" I say slightly sad not wanting to leave michaels embrace, I look up and notice his frown

"I'd love to walk you home but then dan will know" he says tightening his grip on my hand like he never wants to let go.

"Its okay " I say with a slight nod before stopping in my tracks

"When can I see you again?" He asks looking down at me

"Soon?" I say with a hopeful smile

"What about dan?" He asks with an unsure look on his face

"I can make up another lie,he's always so busy,he hardly notices I'm gone sometimes" I say

"I just feel bad lying to him" he admits running a hand through his hair and I nod in agreement,its not asif I want to lie to dan because I hate that but that's the only way me and michael can be together alone.

"Me too " I say looking up at him

"So I guess that I should let you get going" michael says pulling me into a tight hug,his arms wrapping around me with his hair tickling my neck.

"Text me when you get home so I know your okay" he asks placing a soft kiss on my forehead

I give him a nod and a slight smile before walking away to get home, I turn around slightly and smile at him watching me go

"Dan you home?" I ask walking into the house

"Yeh in here" he replies from the front room,I walk in to see him sat on the sofa

"Sorry I'm home abit late" I say sitting down next to him

"Its fine,how was studying?" He asks turning to face me

"Yeh it was fine" I lie , "I'm abit tired, I think ill just get up to bed" I add before getting back up

"Night" dan says before turning back to the tv

I walk up the stairs and run into my room, instantly pulling out my phone

To Michael;

'I'm home x'

I text michael and get into bed with a smile on my face thinking about michael as I close my eyes drifting off into a deep sleep.

You know when you wake up in the morning thinking you've slept for so many hours and you've only been asleep for half amount of time you usually do and you don't even have to be up yet but you cannot get back to sleep.

I pick up my phone from the bed side table and a smile instantly forms on my face when I see a text from michael well actually loads of texts,I hadent replied to his text last night so he got worried

From Michael;

Good xx

From Michael;


From Michael;

Babeee where are youu xx

From Michael;

Come back:( xx

I can't help but let out a little laugh at his outburst

To Michael;

I fell asleep xx

I text back now wide awake wanting to speak to him but just like every normal human,he's asleep

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