Chapter 6 maybe

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Sophias POV

Is it physically possible to have known someone for about a day and already they are all you can think about and its not just thoughts about the little amount of time we've spent together its thoughts about what could happen. I guess you could say I've had this feeling before but not with a boy I barely know plus who knows,this could just be a phase but if its not..well this could end badly. My last thoughts from last night were the boys leaving so going downstairs looking a mess seems safe right now ,grabbing my phone from the bed side table I get up and make my way down the stairs. Instantly as I walk down I notice dan sat on the sofa in his usual spot with his laptop .

"Morning" I say running a hand through my messy hair before sitting down next to him.

"Morning,I wouldent get too comfortable if I was you,the boys are coming over" as dan spoke his sentence I crossed my arms a little annoyed

"Seriously you want me to leave again or hide like seriously they've met me dan " I reply raising my eyebrows.

"I did not say that" he says with a little laugh not peeling his eyes away from his laptop

"I was just saying it because your wearing your pjs and you'd die with embarrassment,you forget I know you all too well" giving him the 'well that's true' face once he's finished I stand up and run upstairs having absolutely no idea what to wear..not that I'm here to impress...

What's weird is me being in my own house,I usually don't mind what I wear but yet I'm sat here deciding what to wear for someone who knows nothing about me except my name I mean why should I care what he thinks? Yeh I keep asking myself that but somehow I cannot find an answer. After picking out a pair of black jeans and a tshirt feeling a slight bit satisfied I put them on and take a good look in the mirror .

"Well this is ridiculous" I say out loud before running a brush through my hair .

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