Chapter 28 Yes

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Sophias POV

I listen to michaels light snores as he sleeps next to me, its 3AM and I haven't managed to even fall asleep yet despite the constant trying until now which at this point,I've given up. After coming back to michaels last night we spent most of the night speaking,mostly about the fact he leaves soon and also about dan . I know its weird but I can't help but watch as he sleeps,one arm drapped over my shoulder and the other over my waist loosely holding my into a loose hug with his head slightly buried into my neck,his hair tickling me. All night I've been receiving texts from dan asking where I am and why aren't I home , ofcourse I get why he's worried because its 3 in the morning but I'm fine. I scroll through the texts and miss calls realising how worried he must be

From Dan

"Where are you?"

From Dan

"Sophia where the hell are you?"

From Dan

"Come home now

From Dan

"Please answer me"

From Dan

"Sophia answer me now"

I roll my eyes and put my phone down, he probably already knows I'm with michael but I don't intend to text back,not just yet anyway. I lay and take in the silence aside from michaels snoring which is suddenly interrupted by the sudden banging at the door waking michael up instantly

"Michael I know your in there,where is my sister" dan shouts still banging at the door

I sit up and mouth "michael .." As he sits up sleepily before getting out of bed in just his boxers , I begin to panic thinking of some sort of plan

"I have an idea" michael whispers "stay in bed" he adds and he grabs a blanket before leaving the room and I instantly hear dans voice as michael opens the door letting him in

"Is she here?" Dan asks clearly calming down

"Yeh she's sleeping " michael replies

"With you?" Dan asks making me want to walk out and confront dan

"No I was sleeping on the sofa, she called me upset about the whole situation and I offered her a place to stay for the night" michael says before walking into the room with dan following close behind, I look up at dan giving him a sleepy look asif I've just been asleep.

"Sophia" dan begins ,running a hand through his hair "please come home,I've been worried sick" he adds,his words wobbling all over the place

"I want to stay here..." I say trying to stand my ground

"I'm not mad anymore please just come home " dan pleads, you can almost tell how scared he was,just by the look in his eyes, I look over at michael leaning against the door frame,his eyes slowly closing from tiredness.

"I'm staying here dan..ill see you tomorrow" I cross my arms knowing that he's not completely over it , he let's out a sigh and drops his arms

"Fine " he says before walking out the room and straight out the house slamming the door behind him leaving me and michael alone , I let out a sigh and michael slips back into bed pulling me into his chest placing soft kisses all over my face before kissing my lips not giving me a chance to respond.

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