Chapter 11 Cool

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Sophias POV

So this is the first I've stepped out of my house with both my brother and 5seconds of summer and I must say its one of the most annoying and hectic things I've ever experianced , I mean I knew that they would get noticed but I dident expect them to get mobbed . What's worse is none of the fans had any idea who the hell I was and all sort of assumptions were being thrown about while I was being squashed into everyone which is basically my worst nightmare as I hate being in crowds. Its been about 10 minutes since we pushed our way through and got back in the cars and michael is still asking me every 10 seconds if I'm okay which is sort of cute.

"Are your sure your okay?" Michael asked once again making me let out a little , I have no idea why he keeps asking,its sort of like he is well..worried but why would he be? .

"I'm fine michael" I reassure him

"Are you %100 sure?" He adds with a serious look on his face which I can't help but stare at and admire.

"I am sure michael ,stop worrying" I say laughing aswell as thinking,what if him worrying means he'll only ever see me as like family because that would turn out completely wrong for me because I mean its wrong to find him really really attractive then right?

"Who said I'm worrying.." Michael replied running a hand through his hair before looking out the car window.

Realising dan is still in the car I quickly shutup and return to my thoughts but that doesent stop my eyes from wondering back to michael,I try to be as sly as I can but I can't help but think about how weird I must look staring at him right now,he's probably noticed.

"Hey sophia I just wanted to ask if it was alright if the boys stay with us for a little bit, it just seems a lot easier for them instead of staying in a hotel . Dan asked as we walked back into the house.

"Ofcouse its okay,its your house dan,I moved in with you remember" I reply taking a seat on the sofa crossing my legs trying to get comfortable with seems like such an impossible mission.

"I know I just wanted make sure" he says sitting opposite me ,arms behind his head.

"She loves us,there's no way she'll say no mate" calum buts in with a sure look on his face

"No mate she loves me" michael speaks as he struts in giving me a wink like I'm the only person in the room that could see it.

"Hey you forget she said I'm her favourite" luke shouts from the corridor ,oh boy is he wrong.

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