Chapter 16 I dont

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Sophias POV

I throw my pillow over my head and let out a groan as the vibration of my phone wakes me up from a deep sleep ,who the hell is awake to text someone at 3 in the morning, are you messed?. Attempting to go back to sleep I close my eyes until I realise that there's a possibility that could be a text from michael,he hasent texted me since he left and I'm slightly missing his presence. I grab my phone from the bed side table and get instantly blinded from the light ,evenutally gaining back my eye sight I look at the text instantly gaining a smile to see

'From; Michael

That was all I had seen so far and I'm already smiling like an actual idiot ,I click on the text andmy heart literally skips a beat,he saw the text and my life is basically ruined,I cannot leave the house,nope ,staying in my room is it.

"So I dident know you reallllly liked me;)" I keep re-reading the text over and over again horrified that I couldent even keep that fact I have a crush on michael clifford a secret.

I sit for about another 10minutes trying to come up with some sort of reply to this text but my mind is know why? Because I can't stop think about him and I can't quite figure out why I'm so fixed on him.

'To ;Michael'

Don't flatter your self clifford

My mind starts going crazy and I am no longer able to go back to sleep which sucks but the suspence is killing me,I know I have no chance with him but I can't help but wonder, what if maybe one day he thinks the same about me, what if he just sees me a his friends little sister .

I lay on my back and stare up at the ceiling ,my mind blowing up with all sorts of thoughts but soon enough I'm snapped out of my thoughts by another text from michael.

'From Michael;'

Ofcourse I'd be flattered

Maybe its just me but this text confused me slightly,what is he implying that he's flattered that I like him? Does that mean that he's flattered but doesent feel the same or he's flattered and does feel the same,maybe I will never know.

'To Michael';

Your flattered?

Almost instantly michael replies making me scared to open the text,It was almost too quick of a reply.

'From Michael';

Not everyday a beautiful girl tells her friends that she likes me

My heart skips a giant beat as I read this because when michael calls me beautiful its like noone elses opinion of me ever matters ,its like when he says that word,it almost makes me feel like I'm special to him but why the hell would I be .

'To Michael';

I bet that happens to you everyday michael,me kind of liking you is nothing special

I can't help but be angry at my self,I always fall for the boys that I can't be with,the boys that would never want to be with me and I end up getting my self hurt because there's always that stupid part of me that thinks I have a chance.

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