Chapter 9 Or Not

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Michaels POV

She can say 'no' all she likes but I am %99.9 that she knows who our band is,i mean ok we've only just blown up but she must of at least heard our name like atleast once and me being as stubborn as I am I intend to find out. I can't help but notice dan staring, he never really does it when sophias sat on her own but he never fails to be when I'm with her and believe me when I say I constantly see this. I mean don't get me wrong dan has every reason to be protective but for all anyone knows she could be interested in ashton .

"Sophia who's your favourite member?" I ask hoping to trick her into admitting that she's really a fan.

"Favourite member of what? " She replies tearing her eyes away from her phone.

"Football..the band you muppet" I reply with a cheeky grin, I watch as the other lads pump their selves up thinking its going to be them.

"I don't have one" she replies,I could of sworn I saw a tiny smirk form on her face for about 0.1 seconds.

"Oh come on,you must have one" calum questions raising his eyebrows ,leang back in the chair I shrug trying to act like I don't give a damn about who she picks,I must say I don't think that worked.

"Why would I?" As she says this I raise my eyebrows and lean forward

"Well you tell me " I reply trying to act all serious which fails because well its me

"You really think I know you guys don't you?, its starting to get abit desperate" she replies with a firm smirk on her face at she stares straight back at me

" Desperate" is all I say feeling my facial expression change to a smirk without my permission.

"You heard me clifford" sophia replies crossing her arms , as soon as I attempt to retaliate I hear sophias phone ring bringing a smirk to my face almost instantly making her face turn a bright red.

"Still don't know us aye?" I reply after hearing our song "don't stop" as her ringtone,I knew it and god does this feel sweet.

"Okay okay don't flatter yourself" she replies letting a small amount of laughter leave her lips.

"So favourite member? And no excuses " I say laughing waiting for the answer

"Luke" she replies ,her facial expression not changing

"Don't lie"I joke hoping that it really was just a lie but all I get in return is a shrug

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