Chapter 18 Awkward

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Sophias POV

I guess you can say hanging out with a boy alone that I've only hung around with a number of times that I can count on one hand is a little bit awkward , mainly because we both don't know what to say and an awkward silence is thick in the air. I can see from the corner of my eye that michal keeps looking towards me asif he's about to say something and then he doesent . I trace my mind for any topic of conversation,anything that can break this awful silence filling the room.

"So are you enjoying england?" I ask looking straight at him

'Its great,kind of don't want to go home" he laughs ,the awkwardness dying down slightly

I laugh and start to think, he's going to go home at some point so basically I developed a crush for a boy that lives half way across the world.

"I love the accent here and the girls are ..." He stops his sentence as my face drops, I knew it , I knew that it was too good to be true . I never understand why I let my self think that I'd have a chance , its completely pointless and I end up hurt . I'm guessing that he stopped because he remembers the text,I won't deny that I like him but liking people sucks.

The next 10 minutes the room filled with silence,neither of us tried to bring up conversation or try to break the silence,we both just sat there like it was planned for us to do that. I can't help but be infuriated with myself,I should of listened to dan , I should of stayed away but I dident listen,I skipped school and came here just to hear the michael would rather have any other girl.

"Look sophia" the silence disapears as michael says rather loudly

I look at him and wait for him to carry on, I have no idea on what he's about to say and the suspence is absolutely killing me.

I watch as he thinks,he looks so sure and then he let's out a sigh

"I'm just not into you sophia,I'm sorry" he shrugs and my heart collapses to the pitt of my stomach

My mind goes blank and all I manage to give him is a slight nod before I stand up to walk to the door, I refuse to look at him as my eyes well up,its crazy to think a guy I use to watch videos of and a guy I've known personally for a few weeks now can make me feel like this.

I grab my bag and walk towards the front door

"You leaving now?" Luke shouts from the kitchen and I reply a quiet "yes" wanting to leave quickly.

"Ill see you later then" he replies and I walk out not really thinking about what I'm doing or where I'm going,I just need to leave, I just need to think .

I open the door quitely and walk into the house unsure as to whether dan is home or not,it wouldent make any difference I made sure that I'd be home the same time as I would from school it just meant me walking around for a while.

"Sophia you home?" I hear dan shout from upstairs,right now all I want is a hug from him but I can't because then he'll know somethings wrong and ill have to tell him .

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