Chapter 27 He Knows

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Sophias POV;

I walk as the rain hits the side of my face hard,I couldent stay in that house ,not now anyway because now that he knows ,all I want to do is get away. I can't help but feel extremely bad, we dident plan for this to happen although we kind of did agree to sneak around but I most certainly dident mean to hurt him . I have no idea where I'm going to right now but somehow I don't care,I just need a moment to think but I know that I need to tell michael unless dans already told him. Ofcourse this situation sucks but deep down I slightly feel relieved that he now knows,he probably hates me but atleast I won't have to lie anymore right?. The further I walk I more I realise I've not been looking where I've been walking and I have absolutely no idea where the hell I am right now. My thoughts are soon interrupted by the sound of my phone, I pull it out of my pocket instantly getting raindrops all over the screen.

From Michael;

So he knows..

I read the text and I let out a sight like I dident even know

To Michael;

I know

I look up from my phone before carrying on walking not caring where I end up right now

From Michael;

Can I see you?

I smile at the text

To Michael;

Yes but I don't know where I am

I let out a nervous laugh as to how real that text actually is,but I couldent be that lost, I've only been walking for about half an hour and half of that I knew where I was .

From Michael;

Your lost? What's your surroundings,ill try come and find you

I instantly look around trying to look for something

To Michael;

Well there's a petrol station and some flats

I wait for a text back but it doesent come and I slowly give up waiting until a car pulls up and michael sticks his head out

"Get in babe" he shouts and I run over to the car, my clothes literally soaked from the rain

"Why are you out? Its pouring down sophia" michael says with a concerning tone to his voice

"I..I just needed to think.." I confess looking at him

"And you couldent think in your room?" He replies letting out a slight laugh

"I guess..." Wondering why the hell I came out other than the thick tension floating around the house

"Where are we going?" I add looking out the window

"Mine" he replies "ill give you some clothes to change into,your going to be so ill in the morning"

I laugh and give him a slight nod


"So is dan angry with you too?" Michael asks, he doesent really seem that bothered,infact he just seems as chill and as laid back as he always is, like this situation doesent matter to him what so ever.

"Yes..michael why are you so okay with this?" I ask confused

"Okay with what?" He shoots me a confused look

"Okay with the fact dan probably hates you now,okay with the fact that he'll probably never let us see eachother" I blurt out wanting to know the answer

"I'm not okay" his tone softens and he gets quieter

"Doesent seem like it" I tell him

"Maybe I just don't like showing how I feel, I'd rather people not ask me if I'm okay or what's wrong,I'd rather them think I'm fine when inside,I'm hurting like fuck" he confesses ,well I did not expect him to say that

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