Chapter 26 So close

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Sophias POV;

I woke up this morning with the instant memory of last night, I mean how the hell did that happen,we were trying to be so careful and I dident think that dan would be out because he said that he'd be busy. Even if dan has fell for that awful lie it now means that we probably shouldent sneak around any more because he has catches up out again,he'll definately know that something is going on, dan is obvlious to a lot of things but he most defiantely is not stupid. I realise straight away that dans away due to the fact I can hear him banging aorund downstairs,he's either in a bad mood,busy or in a rush and you can never be sure on which one it is with him.I slowly make my way downstairs and walk into the kitchen anxious about what is to come .

"Morning.." I say barely loud enough for anyone to hear but to my surprise,he did

"Morning" dan replies not turning to face me

" are you today?" I ask making my way over to the stool and sitting down

"Why were you with michael last night" dan raises his eye brow making my heart stop, does he not believe us? Is he just trying to make sure , either way the heart palpitations are starting.

"I told you.." I say fiddling with my hands

"So that really happened? You got stuck there?" Dan questions me crossing his arms and I have him a slight nod

"Yes.." I lie trying not to back down

"Then why dident you call me?" He points out

"Well I was going to but then I saw michael and I dident know what else to do other then go to him and ask him if he can take me home " I try to remember last nights lie clearly,making sure not to miss anything or get it wrong.

"Okay..well I'm glad your okay.." Dan says sounding relieved

"For a minute then I was beginning to think you and michael have been going behind my back.." He adds making my heart stop, I let out a nervous laugh and run a hand through my hair

"That's ridiculous.." I try to joke and he let's out a laugh

"I know,I don't even know why that came into my head" he laughs walking into the front room leaving me mind blown for about 5 minutes before he walks back in.

"But on the other hand if you and michael were dating or whatever behind my back you'd tell me right?" Dan asks and I simply give him a nod not knowing what else to say other then "yes" or "ofcourse"

"See that's funny because you've have plenty of opportunities to tell me and I found out from seeing you kiss him in the street" dan shouts and my mind goes blank and all that shows is "he knows he knows" over and over again.

"D..dan its not like that.." I stutter , I knew it was going to come out at one point but I dident expect it to be quite like this and I can see how angry he is with me but most importantly,how upset he is with me. Me and dan usually tell eachother everything and I feel like I've betrayed him and I hate that feeling,I want it to go away.

"Did you not once think about how I'd feel about this sophia" dan questions making my emotions fly all over the room.

"Ofcourse I did dan,your feeling have been all I've been thinking about , I'm sorry but its happened okay and I hated lying to you but I like him and I never meant to hurt you,that was never my intention . This never meant to happen,but I guess it just did" I blurt out before letting out a sigh,he finally knows

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