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A/N: I wrote this story when I was 13, so please don't judge me too hard on it. xo

Harry sits on his bed, in his dorm. Jack, the person he shares his dorm with, is at some party and honestly, Harry prefers when he isn't there anyway. He is quiet and shy, it is always a little awkward.

And really, Harry can handle only one awkward person in his life, Louis. 'Who should be here any second' Harry thinks to himself.

He bites his lips and tries to concentrate on his English essay, instead of allowing his mind to travel to his sassy best friend.

Harry finds himself struggling with the essay, not knowing what words to put in it and how to put it all into context. He groans and places his laptop on the other side of the double bed. He rubs his face with his hands out of frustration.

Harry picks up his phone and is about to text Louis, when the wooden door of the dorm swings open.

"Honey, I'm home!" Louis yells, "bearing gifts, my love!" Louis giggles and jumps onto the bed, regretting his desicion immediately when he nearly loses the cups of coffee held in a cardboard tray.

"Oops?" Louis chuckles, cheeks pink.

"Hi," Harry's smile grows.

Louis chuckles and chucks the brown paper bag full of cinnamon donuts onto the bed... He knows they're Harry's favourite.

"You know... You're very, very lucky. I like the donuts with pink frosting and sprinkles. But I guess Harry gets what he wants right? That cute face of yours could get anything you want... Annoying!" Louis tells him dramatically, yelling the last word. Harry erupts in a fit of giggles. Louis raises one eyebrow, "you think this is funny, don't you, pretty boy?"

"Yep," Harry says, popping the 'p'. He puts his hand into the bag and pulls out a donut, he smirks at Louis, who just scoffs and rolls his eyes, mumbling about how he wanted sprinkles and that he hates Harry.

Harry just gives him an amused smile and takes a bite of his donut.

"Whatcha been up to anyway, H?" Louis passes Harry a coffee.

Harry takes a sip of the drink, before answering, "just been doing stuff on my laptop."

"Stuff?" Louis purses his lips, swallowing nervously.

Harry scrunches his eyebrows together, "yeah... The English essay. Have you started it yet?"

Louis' eyes widen and he looks at the wall. "Yeah... Totally," he clears his throat.

Harry brings the coffee back up to his lips, "yeah... Sure you have."

Louis flips him off and snatches the bag of donuts.

Harry pouts and makes grabby hands at them.

"You've got to share, Harold!" Louis squints his eyes at the boy, and takes a donut out, slowly bringing it to his lips, before he shoves the whole thing in his mouth.

"Louis, you'll choke!" Harry says, slapping him on the knee. Louis chews quickly, and manages to somehow eat all of the donut.

"You'd be surprised how much I can fit in my mouth, Harold," Louis wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"Yuk!" Harry grabs a pillow and hits Louis with it.

Louis gasps, "how dare you, frog! I was going to invite you to a party tomorrow night, but now I'm not!" he tells him, playfully, standing up.

Harry pouts, "where are you going? I thought we were gonna have a sleepover..."

Louis scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, "I've got to go do something, Haz... Do you want me to come back later?"

"Uh, yeah. Okay. See you later," Harry tries to hide hide his disappointment, as Louis grabs his coffee and goes to leave.

The smaller boy stops before opening the door, "oh! One last thing," he runs back over to Harry and kisses his cheek. He then goes to walk out again, "Bye, Curly! Love you. Don't have any bitches around whilst I'm not here. Please and thank you!"

Harry laughs and quickly says before Louis walks out of the door, "bye, Lou. I love you too!"

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