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Harry looks at the ceiling, barely seeing it in the dark. Louis' soft breaths against his neck are the only thing that could be heard.

His heart is beating fast... Not even two hours ago him, and Louis had kissed. And this time it wasnt about annoying some homophobic old lady, or spin the bottle. It was a real kiss, and it lasted for a while to.

And now Harry is confused. He is not only confused about his own feelings, but Louis' also.

Louis was obviously enjoying the kiss, cupping at Harry's face, and pulling at his shirt.

But when the kiss stopped, everything went back to normal. They didn't even mention it. And now Harry can't fall to sleep, he can't stop thinking about how good his, and Louis' lips felt against each other. Or how good it felt to be so close to him. Or how he could definitely get used to it...

He hear Louis take a deep breath, and his arm which is wrapped over Harry chest move. He makes a little noise, and mumbles, tiredly, "are you still awake?"

Harry nods, "yeah, I am."

"Why?" Louis moves a bit, so he is laying on Harry chest. Harry's hand goes straight to Louis' hip.

"Just thinking," Harry looks at the boy, his hair is messy, and eyes are shining a little from the moonlight.

"About?" Louis rubs his head against Harry's chest, closing his eyes.


"Me?" Louis looks back at Harry again.

"Especially you," Harry squeezes his hip.

"What about me?" Louis chuckles nervously.

"I think we should share a dorm... It could help you with money... Then you could stop doing videos, I'd help with college payments."

Louis looks stunned, "Harry... I don't want your money."

"I know you don't... But I want to give it to you, please, Lou!" Harry sits up a little, finding it hard because of Louis on him.

Louis looks in thought for a minute, "I'd do anything to stop, but I won't take money off my best friend."

Harry pouts, "but I want to," he whines, "you wouldn't have to do it anymore!"

Louis takes a deep breath, and looks into Harry's pleading eyes, "okay... But if you ever find yourself struggling you tell me straight away!"

Harry's nods, smiling widely, he knew that probably wouldn't happen, his family is very well off, and made him a bank account when he was born. It has lots, and lots of money in it. But he had promised himself he'd only used it on things he needs.

"So what's the plan then?!" Harry asks, excitedly.

Louis rolls his eyes, "you will help me with my college fees, and you will move in with me..." Louis smiles widely, "I will delete the videos..." he starts tearing up a bit, "thank you so much for doing this, Harry."

Louis cuddles into Harry closer, whilst Harry wraps his arms around the boy. "it's my pleasure, Lou... I better get private shows though," Harry jokes.

"If that's what you want... Daddy." Louis smirks against Harry, loving the way Harry stills completely.

Harry gulps. Oh god.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now