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Harry throws a few of his hoodies, and tee shirts into his back pack. Louis, and him had woken up, and got straight to work on packing, after getting permission for Harry to move rooms though.

Harry looks over to Louis, to see him dancing to the songs they have playing, at the moment they were listening to 'Still Into You'.

Harry really wants to go over there, and kiss him... But he stops himself, and continues packing.

Suddenly the door opens, and Jack walks in. He looks around the room, confused, before turning to Harry. "What's going on?" he asks slowly, walking through the room to put his stuff on his bed.

"I'm, uh, moving in with Lou," Louis turns around, and smirks from behind Jack. Harry laughs, and shakes his head, not knowing what's happening.

"Oh..." Jack casts his eyes down, looking really disappointed.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks, feeling a little bad. Louis crosses his arms, and raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah. Um, I gotta go," he picks up his things again, and walks out.

Louis bites his lip, trying to contain a giggle. Harry gives him a stern look. "Why are you laughing?" he asks Louis, and continues packing.

"Because he likes you, and you rejected him, it's just awkward now."

"Don't be mean, Lou..." Harry mumbles. Louis huffs, and goes back to packing, as he sulks.

"I feel bad now... I might go check on him," Harry stops packing, and starts walking to the door.


Harry sighs, and walks out of the door. Straight away he sees Jack, sitting on the ground, back against the wall. He is crying.

"Hey, hey... What's wrong?" Harry gets on his knees, and tries to comfort him.

Jack looks up, eyes red, "I don't know... I just thought maybe you'd come around. But now you're leaving..."

"Look... You're a really nice guy, Jack. But I like Louis." Harry regrets it as soon as it comes out of his mouth, he is about to stutter out some sort of excuse, but Jack speaks up.

"I know... I know you do. I can see it in your eyes when you look at him. I just didn't want to believe it," Jack chuckles sadly, and nods. "That's why I asked him before asking you out... Just in case."

"You asked him? What did he say?" Harry is genuinely curious now. This is the first he had heard of Louis knowing about Jack's plan.

"He said you guys are just friends," Harry frowns, and Jack smiles at him sadly. "I'm sorry... I have to go now but before I go, I drew this. I really hope you like it."

Jack goes into his book bag, and pulls out his sketch book, ripping out a page. He puts the sketch book back into his bag, and holds the paper whilst he stands up. Harry stands up also, looking at the paper confused.

"Here you go," Jack passes him the paper, and walks off. Harry looks down, and gasps.

The drawing is so, so good

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The drawing is so, so good. But right now all he can worry about it Louis saying they're just friends. Does he really mean that?

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now