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Harry groans, typing away on his computer. He has been working on this essay for ages, he hadn't seen Louis in two days, he hadn't really been doing anything for those days besides sleep, and type.

He decides he needs to see Louis, he feels so lonely, and even though he had Jack in here most of the time, it didn't make anything better.

Harry liked Jack, he is kind, and caring. There is absolutely no reason to not like the boy, an added bonus is he doesn't mind Louis coming into the room most nights for a sleepover.

Harry types a a quick message.

Hey, boo. I miss you. 💔

Bub!!! I miss you moreeee. I was waiting for you to text, didn't wanna disturb you from doing your essay... How is it going? Mine is completed. 😍😘🌸

Harry smiles, reading through Louis' message. Even his messages radiate his bright, and bubbly attitude. Gosh, Harry loves this boy so much.

I'm pretty much done... I've had a bit of trouble wrapping my head around it. Could you come over for a sleepover? I wanna cuddle you so bad. 🤗😙

You ruineddd my surprise! 😩 I was gonna burst open your door, and pretend to kidnap you, and then I was gonna fuck your bootyhole, and slap dat ass. But yeah, sure, I'll come for a SLEEPOVER.

What the fuck, Louis. 😂 I hate you. How dare you tease me like this. 😒 I love you, I'll see you tonight, beautiful. 😘

Can't wait, pretty boy. 😍🌻

Harry grins, already so excited about tonight, he has to do two hundred more words, and then he is done...


Harry closes his laptop, he had just emailed the essay to Liam, and he is so happy he got it finished.

Suddenly the door opens up, Harry looks up in excitement, expecting it to be Louis.

"Hey, mate!" Jack's loud, American accent fills the room.

"Hey, Jacky," Harry replies, trying not to sound disappointed.

"I'm off for a night class, is Louis coming around tonight?" Jack smiles at Harry, packing his bag on his bed, which is about two metres from Harry's.

"Yeah, he is!" Harry bounces on the bed excitedly.

"Haha, thought so. You looked upset when you seen it was me, so I guessed you were waiting for someone else," Jack winks at the curly haired boy.

Harry blushes, "I'm sorry, I'm happy to see you too," Harry promises.

Jack laughs, "happy to see you too, buddy." he swings the bag over his shoulder, and walks to the door, "well I'm off. Bye, mate." Jack opens the door, and smiles, "your lover boy is here, Harry!"

Harry looks over to the door, and sees Louis smiling at him. Jack says hello to Louis, and then leaves.

Louis runs in, chucking his bag on the ground, and jumping on the bed, tackling Harry onto the bed for a hug.

"Alright, kid. Which is it? Cuddles or kidnapping," Louis winks, slapping Harry on the butt.

Harry blushes, spreading his legs so Louis can lay down between them, still holding him in a tight hug.

"Cuddles first," Harry takes a deep breath in, smelling Louis' flowery shampoo. "Maybe fun bootytime later," he giggles, kissing Louis on the head.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now