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Five Years Later

"Peek-a-boo!" Louis takes his hands off his eyes, and watches as his, and Harry's son starts giggling.

"You gonna have some more food, Massie?" he coos at the young todler, and gets another small scoop of the apple puree, baby food.

Mason makes grabby hands at the food, and opens his mouth. Louis proceeds to feed him the food, and make one year old laugh.

Louis wipes his face, and takes his bowl, and spoon into the kitchen. Making sure the child is strapped in to the high chair properly.

He walks back into the small dining room, and undoes the clips to his babies straps. He picks the boy out, and holds him against himself on his hip.

"I think its bath time, hey?" Louis places a kiss on his sons forehead.

Just as Louis was about to take Mason into the bathroom, he hears Harry come barrelling down the stairs.

"Lou, babe!" he wraps his arms around Louis, and Mason. "Hellonmy little boy," he presses a kiss against Masons hair. "And hello my littler boy," he giggles, and pecks Louis' lips.

Louis rolls his eyes, "not funny, b word."

Harry gasps dramatically, "I am offended!"

"Yeah, yeah," Louis waves him off. "What did you need, Love?"

"I can't belive today is the day!"

"Me neither, babe..." Louis beams. "I can't belive we actually did it!"

"Our very first book," Harry swoons, and dances a little.

Mason laughs, a few small baby teeth showing through.

"You find that funny?" Louis asks the young boy.

"Oh, and babe!" Harry sounds even more excited, if that's possible.

"Yes?" Louis reaches over, and grabs one of his hands.

"Abbey called! Twenty week ultrasound today! We get to see out baby again!"

Louis gasps, "yay!" he pulls Harry closer to them. "Did you hear that Mas? We are going to see your little brother or sister today!"

Louis' heart pounds in his chest. Abbey, their surrogate, is carrying his baby this time. Mason is technically Harry's, not that that makes Louis feel any different towards him of course.

He just cannot belive he has helped create a life... It feel so surreal. Harry, and Louis had met Abbey at their graduation, she was graduation from a different course at the same time. They had became friends, and not long later the two boys had asked her to be a carrier for them.

"What time is the ultrasound?" Louis asks, bouncing Mason a little.

"Two o'clock this afternoon! Now I need to make some calls for our book, if that's okay.".

"Of course it's okay!" Louis stands on his tippy toes, and gives Harry a kiss. "I'm going to Bath this little lad now."

"Alright," Harry pecks Louis' cheek. "See you soon little buddy! You don't give dad too much trouble now, cheeky!"

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now