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Harry looks at himself in the mirror, toothbrush hanging from his mouth. His eyes are red, he had a bit of a break down over the Louis thing... He regrets doing it, he feels so dirty. He snaps out of his daze when some of the foamy toothpaste starts to fall from his mouth.

He quickly brings his hand up to grab the brush, and takes it out of his mouth. Spitting out the toothpaste into the sink. He rinses his mouth, and grabs a towel, wiping his face.

He hasn't seen, spoken or even messaged Louis since last night when Louis was at the dorm...

About twenty minutes after Harry had... Jerked off over his best friend, Louis had messaged him. Saying goodnight, with a bunch of hearts.

Harry felt bad for not answering, but in his defence he was so disgusted in himself. He legitimately cried himself to sleep, hoping nobody ever finds out. Louis would hate him, he knows he would.

And he hates himself for it too! Why wouldn't he just close the tab, and pretend it never happened?... He has no self control, and he is so mad at himself about it.

He throws on his black, skinny jeans, a tee shirt, and a plaid shirt. He grabs his phone, and wallet.

He had gotten a call from Niall this morning, telling him they're all meeting at the colleges Cafe for lunch. Harry didn't really get a choice.

He is sort of dreading seeing Louis.


There he is, Harry thinks to himself, and swallows thickly.

He watches as Louis' head tips back in laughter, the crinkles in his eyes forming.

Gosh... He is so beautiful. Fuck. He wishes his brain would shut up, he can't think of Louis like that.

Harry walks up to the table, and Niall cheers, "look who is finally here!"

Harry chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry," he mumbles, taking the only seat left... Next to Louis.

"How was last night, bub?" Louis asks, putting his hand on Harry's thigh.

Louis stares at Louis' hand, mind spacing off to the video, how pretty Louis looked all wrecked, his gorgeous curves, his tight hole... He snaps back into the real world before answering Louis. "Fine."

Louis bites his lip, and removes his hand. He wasn't expecting a short answer, more expecting a cheeky reply. "Are you angry with me?" Louis asks, casting his eyes down. Maybe he did something wrong?

Harry shakes his head, and reaches over the table for Zayns glass of water. He takes a few gulps, suddenly feeling hot, and unwell. "I don't feel good," he puts the glass down, and palms his face. He feels sick!

"Do you want me to take you to the dorm?" Louis asks, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.

Harry shrugs it off, and quickly stands up. "I'll go alone, you enjoy your lunch."

"It's really no trouble, Haz. I'll come with you!" Louis stands up as well, giving Harry a warm, caring smile.

Harry almost looks pained, "stay here. I'll talk you you later."

Louis looks at him confused, but agrees, "o-okay."

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now