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Louis watches as Harry's eyes flutter open, and a grimance laces his face.

"Morning, sunshine," Louis whispers, continuing to lay on his side, and watch the curly lad.

Harry groans, and brings his hand up to rub his head. "My head hurts," Harry pouts, and moves himself so he is against Louis' chest.

Louis brings his hand up to Harry's curls, and gently pets them. "That's because you drank so much, my darling," Louis chuckles, leaning down into an awkward position to kiss Harry's head.

Harry makes a sound, almost like a child who isnt getting something they want.

Louis smiles fondly at him, this boy makes his heart swell non stop everyday. He is so precious. Louis adores him so much.

"How about I get water, and a panadol?" Louis mumbles against Harry's hair.

"Thank you," Harry moves away from Louis, so he could get up.

Louis swings the blankets off of himself, and tucks Harry back in, kissing his forehead, as the younger boy tries to once again snuggle into the bed.

Louis walks over to the small kitchen, they each have in their dorm. He only then noticed Jack is in his bed... Which is rare.

He gets a bottle of water out of the fridge, and pours it into a glass, also going to the cupboard to get some medication.

He quickly has one panadol himself, taking a sip of water, before getting Harry out two. And taking the glass, and tablets in.

He sits on the edge of the bed, and notices Harry fallen back to sleep, he smiles fondly.

Louis sets the stuff down on the side table, and looks over in the direction of Jack. when he hears a groan.

"Not you again," Jack smirks, eyes blinking at Louis.

Louis rolls his eyes, "shut up! Princess is sleeping!" he whispers, loud enough for Jack to hear, and sticks his finger up at him.

Jack chuckles, and gets out of the bed, walking over to sit next to Louis.

"I've been meaning to ask," he whispers, and pauses. Louis raises an eyebrow.

"Ask what?" he questions, getting the waiter, and taking another sip.

"Are you, and Harry. Are you, and him a thing?" Jack motions between the boys, keeping eye contact with Louis the whole time.

Louis looks down, and fiddles with his hands, rubbing them together nervously. He shakes his head, hair falling over his oceon, blue eyes.

"No, no," he says, finally looking up. "Harry, and I aren't a couple..." he swallow thickly, and smiles at Jack.

"Oh, okay," a wide smile blooms on Jack's face, and Louis gives him a confused look.

"Why did you ask?..."

"I was thinking about asking him out... I just wanted to check that I wasn't anything between you two."

"Oh..." Louis looks over at a sleeping Harry, and smiles sadly. "Yeah... We are just friends."

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now