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Harry opens his eyes, but immediately closes them again, as the bright light of the morning sun shines through the curtains.

He hears a little groan from under him, and smiles when realising it's Lou. Harry is spooning him very tightly, he doubts Louis can even move.

"Sorry, Lou," Harry mumbles, rolling back onto his own side. This causes Louis to let out a whine and cling to Harry.

"No reason to be sorry... I was enjoying it," Louis breathes out, sleepily, cuddling deeper into Harry's chest.

Harry wraps his arm around Louis' waist. He loves sleepy Louis. He gets so cuddly and soft. It makes Harry get fluttering butterflies in his stomach.

"You excited about the party tonight?" Louis asks, rubbing his cheek against Harry's naked chest. Harry had taken his top off once they got back from getting the pizza, because Louis had asked him to... Of course. Apparently it's uncomfortable for him to have Harry sleep with a shirt on. Well that's what he says at least.

Harry brings his hand up to Louis' hair, combing his fingers through it, mentally cooing at the smaller boy. "I don't like parties very much... You know that. But because it makes you happy, I'm going."

"You're the best friend in the world," Louis mumbles, voice muffled as his mouth is against Harry's chest.

"You are too, Lou."


"This shirt," Louis holds up a navy t-shirt, "or this one?" he holds up a maroon one.

Harry points to the maroon one. "It makes your collarbones look nice," Harry says, blushing when Louis smirks at him.

"Thanks, baby" Louis takes off Harry's top, that he had been wearing all day, and chucks the maroon top on. He twirls a little, giving Harry the perfect view of his ass in the skinny jeans. Harry may love it a little bit.

"You look great!" Harry says, voice huskier than usual. Louis jumps on the bed, and crawls up between Harry's legs.

"Now..." Louis sits on his lap, Harry gulps, "time to decide what you're going to wear!" Louis hugs Harry, excitedly. He tucks his head into Harry's neck, placing a soft kiss there .

"Yeah, yeah. I don't mind what I wear. You can pick something out if you'd really like..." Harry closes his eyes, and holds Louis closer to him.

"Yay!" Louis screams childishly. He pulls away from Harry, and runs to Harry's closet, he swings the door open, and quickly starts looking at all the clothes.

Harry sits there, hands now behind his head, watching Louis. He smiles at the boy, thanking the universe for giving him to Harry.


"So..." Louis starts, sitting on the bed, with a bag of chips. He had just finished dressing Harry, and they still had time before they needed to leave. "You gonna fuck anyone tonight?" he asks casually.

Harry shrugs, feeling a little uncomfortable. "Maybe, maybe not. Are you?"

"Maybe... But I mean, I would rather come home and cuddle you." Louis grins at Harry.

Harry smiles at that, feeling butterflies in his tummy erupt. "I'd much rather do that too..."

"Well then let's hope that there is nobody that wants to fuck you, or get fucked by you then," Louis slaps Harry's thigh, causing Harry to hiss, and bite his lip.

"Come here, idiot," Harry smiles, fondly, grabbing Louis by the arms, causing him to drop the chips. He pulls Louis against him, and lays back.

Louis erupts into giggles, as he allows himself to be pulled into Harry's chest.

"I hate you," Louis says breathing shakily, as he stares into Harry's eyes.

"You may be the cutest thing in this whole entire world..." Harry brings a hand up to Louis' face, and gently strokes his cheek with the pad of his thumb.

Louis blushes, and nuzzles his face into the crook of Harry's neck, hiding his blush. "You", Louis whispers, flustered.

"What?" Harry asks amused.

Louis looks up, starting into Harry's eyes. "You're the cutest thing in the world..."

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now