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"Haz," Louis whispers, voice cracking a little, "are you awake, bub?"

Harry wiggles a bit in Louis' grasp. "Mhmm," he hums, and takes a deep breath.

"Hazzy," Louis whispers again, trying to wake Harry a little more.

Harry opens his eyes, and yawns, before turning around so he is facing Louis, "you okay?" he murmurs, snuggling into Louis' chest.

"No," Louis sniffs, trying to make himself closer to Harry.

Harry senses something is wrong, and completey wakes up, pulling back so he can look at Louis. "What's wrong, baby?" he brings his hand up, and uses the pad of his finger to wipe a tear, that had just fallen from Louis' cheek.

"I'm not good enough," Louis chokes out.

"What, Lou? You're good enough for anything, and anyone." Harry sits up, and pulls Louis onto his lap, letting Louis rest his head on his chest, whilst he clings to Harry's sweater.

"I'm never going to amount to anything... Your writing is amazing. I want to be a writer so bad, Harry. I have so many ideas, so many things I want to do... But nobody will like my writing," Harry rubs Louis' back, as Louis cries on to his sweater.

"Lou... You're are an amazing writer, otherwise you wouldn't be here. This collage seen how good you are, how amazing my little Lou is." Harry places a gentle kiss on Louis' forehead, "you will make a great novelist, Lou... And I will be there every step of the way. I can't wait to buy a book with the name of my boy on it. You Louis, are destined for great things. Don't ever doubt that."

Louis fists Harry's sweater harder, "w-what if I don't? Everyone will think I'm a failure... I have no other dreams, no other passions. This is costing so much money, what if it's a waste?"

"Nobody is going to think you're a failure... And you will have other dreams, Lou. As you grow, and become the amazing person you're destined to be, you will have more dreams. You just have to wait, everything will fall into place... I promise you. And no matter what, I'll always be there, Lou. You won't be getting rid of me anytime soon, because I want to be there every step of the way to witness my favourite person in the world get everything he has ever dreamed of."

Louis looks up at Harry, eyes still watering, but a small smile graces his face. "You really mean that, Hazzy?" Louis whispers, his hands letting go of the sweater, and bringing his arms up to wrap around Harry's neck.

"Yes, I really mean it," Harry kisses Louis on the head, and Louis shut his eyes, letting out a deep breath.

"I love you, Hazza..." Louis pulls him closer, hugging him tighter.

"I love you more, baby."

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now