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"What movie do you want to see?" Harry asks, looking at all the movie posters. He wraps his arm around Louis' shoulders, and looks down at the older boy scanning his eyes around the posters also.

"How about that one?" Louis grins cheekily, pointing at the 50 shades of grey poster. It didn't bother Louis very much that it was dirty, because he didn't think he'd get turned on. He actually finds it a bit gross. It's a woman, and man. He only likes boy cross boy stuff... But Harry is bi, and it'll make him squirm. And Louis definitely does like the idea of that.

"Sure," Harry shrugs, and looks at Louis confused, "if thats what you want."

"Yep!" Louis releases himself out of Harry's grip, and hobbles over to the ticket booth, moon boot making him walk slower then usual, so Harry easily catches up.

"Hey, what movie were you after a ticket to today?" a girl with thick, black, rimmed glasses, and pastal purple hair asks. She has tattoos all up her arm, they all look like lizards, and dragons.

"Two tickets for fifty shades of grey please!" Louis' high pitched voice sounds before Harry can say anything.

"Sure!" she bites her lip, lip piercing stretching against the hole, making Harry cringe a little. She types something into a computer, and prints out two tickets.

Once they've payed, they make their way over to the snack bar. Harry orders a medium pop corn, and coke. Whilst Louis orders a coke, lollies, and a choc top. Harry ends up paying, insisting on it really. He tells Louis it was his idea, and Louis had just recently been in hospital, so Harry wanted to cheer him up. So in the end, Louis reluctantly let's Harry pay. Promising he will pay next time.


Louis watches Harry intently as the sex scene comes on. Harry doesn't seem that phased... And that kind of pisses Louis off a bit. He wanted Harry to get all hot, and bothered, so he was able to tease him.

He looks back at the screen, and after a while feels Harry shift a little next to him. Louis smiles, and goes to get some popcorn, which is sitting in Harry's lap. He presses it down a little, and Harry leg jerks up.

"You right?" Louis asks innocently, although an underline of a smirk could be seen. He really loves this.

"Yep," Harry squeaks out, "I'm fine!"

Louis smirks, settling back into his seat more, "Okay. If you say so..."

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now