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"Hey, babycakes," a husky voice says to Louis, placing a large hand on his hip.

Louis spins around, from where he was dancing with Zayn. He is sipping some fruity drink out of a straw, and has an angry look on his face. "Fuck off," he mutters, somewhat tipsy, "I'm taken," he flips the older guy off, who would probably be in his late 30s.

"By who, lovely? Is he here?..." the man smirks, not believing Louis.

"He is actually, he is over there!" Louis points to where he last seen Harry at the bar.

Except this time Niall isn't there, and some guy is sitting next to Harry. Harry looks quite uncomfortable too.

"Doesn't look like he is a man that's taken... I might go try him, he seems easy. Very pretty too."

Louis glares at him, "don't you fucking dare go near him!" Louis hisses, "get out of my fucking way! I need to go get this man away from my baby!"

Louis stomps clumsily over to Harry, who is trying to get the guys hand off of him. It's not working though, because Harry is extremely drunk, and isn't very strong at the moment.

Louis grabs the guys shirt, and pulls him back, "don't touch him you idiot!" Louis somewhat slurs out.

The guy puts his hands up in surrender, "no harm done, little boy."

Louis glares at him, "I will choke you!"

"Can you even reach my throat?" the guy smirks.

A growl like sound erupts from the back of Louis' throat, as he puts his drink down, and uses all his power to push the guy over.

The guy falls backwards, and lands on the floor, a groan escaping from his lips, as some people walk over to him to help him up.

"Come on, baby. We are going," Louis says, turning around, a gently grabbing Harry's arm. Helping him off the bar stool.

"Are you okay?" Harry slurs out, almost incoherent, as Louis helps him walk to the door.

"Yes, curly. I'm fine... Are you okay?" Louis holds him up, as he pushed through the sweaty crowed.

"Cuddles," Harry mumbles, resting his head on Louis' shoulder.

Louis pulls out his phone, "I'll cuddle you when we get into the car, okay baby? I just have to call Zayn, and Niall. Tell them we need to get you home." Louis turns his head to kiss Harry on the cheek.


Louis, and Harry get into the dorm, and Louis sets Harry on the bed. "I'm going to get you some water, okay baby? You'll be right?"

"Yeah," Harry lays back, rubbing his face against the comforter.

"Here you go, darling," Louis comes back with a glass of water, he helps Harry sit up, and have some sips.

"We need to get changed, yeah? Then get some sleep." Harry nods, but lays back down.

"Looks like I'm getting you changed then, doesn't it, pretty boy?"

Harry giggles, making grabby hands at Louis, "Cuddles," he whines.

"In a minute," Louis tells him, while he struggles to take off Harry's shirt. Once he is able to do that, he starts to unbutton Harry's jeans.

"Sexy time now?" Harry giggles, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"No, no, love. Need to get you changed for cuddle, remember?"

"Mm. I member," Louis chuckles at Harry's speech, and pulls the younger boys jeans down. Louis strips himself down to his boxers also.

"Now what's to wear?" Louis thinks out loud to himself, and gets on his knees, to open the bottom drawer that Harry puts tee shirts in.

He hears Harry groan, and look around. "What's wrong, bub?" he look at Harry confused.

"Your ass is so good," he basically moans. Louis blushes, biting his lips.

"Uh, thank you..." he chuckles nervously.

"Wanna eat it out, please," Harry gets on his hands, and knees, staring at Louis pleading eyes.

Louis' eyes widen, Harry never said anything like that to him before, sure they've joked about it... And Louis can't help but feel a little turned on by the thought. He stands up, and walks over to Harry, "Hazzy, you're drunk. I can't take advantage of you, okay?" he cups Harry's face, and presses a kiss on his forehead. "How about we just get under the covers, and cuddle?"

Harry pouts, and whines, "Louuuu."

"I'm sorry, baby," he pets Harry's curls. "I'm going to go turn the light off, okay? Then I'm getting in to bed."

"Otay..." Harry rolls backwards, laying in the middle of his bed.

Louis runs over to the switch, and turns the light off, before running back.

He squeezes into the bed, right next to Harry. Harry immediately wraps his arms around Louis, pulling him as close as humanly possible.

"I luh you, Lou," Harry places a peck on Louis' lips.

Louis stills, frozen for a minute, before placing a soft, short kiss on Harry's lips. "I love you too," he rubs his back, soothing the curly haired boy to sleep.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now