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Harry snuggles into his blanket more. He honestly feels a little disappointed... Louis was supposed to come back for a sleep over. But he didn't and now Harry is sulking. He was really looking forward to it.

The last time Louis had stayed over was a week before and they've both been busy since. Which sucks, because hanging out with Louis is Harry's favourite thing to do.

Just as he is about to fall asleep, the door opens, assuming it's Jack, he keeps his eyes closed, and pretends he is asleep, not wanting his dorm mate to start a conversation with him. He isn't up for it, at all.

"Curly?!" he hears a harsh whisper, and feels the bed dip and a poke to his side.

"Lou?" Harry opens his eyes, and turns around to see his best friend on his knees. Harry grins, and clumsily sits up. "You're here!" he whispers, and awkwardly tackles Louis down into a hug.

"Somebody missed me?" Louis chuckles, hugging back just as tight.

"Yes! I thought you stood me up," Harry pouts, and buries his head into the crook of Louis' neck.

"I'd never!" Louis tells him seriously, combing his fingers through Harry's curls.

"Mm... You smell really good," Harry comments, noticing Louis had put on some cologne. Maybe he had a date?

Louis chuckles, "thank you!... Now shall we watch a movie, or we can go get pizza from the cafe?"

"Both?" Harry grins.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Louis smiles, turning the lamp on next to the bed. Harry gets out of bed, a pair of pyjama pants on and no top.

Louis looks over at him, before getting up. "Have you been working out?..." Louis licks his lips.

Harry bursts out laughing, "ew. No."

Louis chuckles and shakes his head, his fringe messing up as he does so.

Harry throws an old shirt on, which has a logo of some band he has never heard of.

"Shall we go, sexy?" Louis does a dramatic, awkward wink.

"Yeah, baby!" Harry makes a kissy face at him.

They both giggle, and make their way out of the dorm room, being quiet as they walk down the hall.


"This tastes so good," Louis moans, looking up at the television which is playing '50 first dates.'

"I know! I'd die for this pizza, honestly!" Harry grabs another piece, and takes a large bite.

"I would die for you, you know?" Louis tells Harry casually, shrugging a little.

"Really?" Harry questions, shocked.

"Of course!" Louis says, still watching the movie. He then turns to Harry, an insecure facial expression, "would you? For me? I mean... Would you like die for me?" he scratches his arm.

"Of course, Lou! You're my best friend, I'd do anything for you..."

Louis seems pleased with that answer, as he uses his hand to cover a wide smile that formed on his face.

Harry side eyes him, not wanting to miss the adorable moment. He rests his head on Louis' shoulder, and Louis kisses the top of his head.

And yeah, Harry loves times like this.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now