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"You're acting weird..." Harry comments, watching Louis make his bed.

"No I'm not," Louis tells him quickly.

"Why are you making me bed then?" Harry questions confused, Louis never does any chores.

"Because I'm the best friend! And you're hungover, so I thought may aswell help my poor princess!" Louis says, rushed, and a bit puffed out.

"Why are you being like this?" Harry chuckles, not understanding it.

"Am I not allowed to be nice to you?!" Louis somewhat snaps. Not meaning to of course, not wanting to hurt Harry at all. He is just stressed about Jack...

"You are... I guess," Harry scratches his head, and averts his eyes to the bed instead of Louis. The blue comforter has been thrown on messily, and the pillow cases are only half way on. Not that he is complaining, he appreciates it a lot.

Louis huffs, and turns around a pout on his face, "I'm always nice to you, Harold."

"I know, I know," Harry spreads his arms, and motions Louis over with his hands.

Louis stomps his way over, pout still on his face. He sits on Harry's lap, and burries his face into the crook of Harry's neck.

Harry wraps his arms around the smaller boy, and holds him as close as possible.

"I know something is up, Lou... Please just tell me. It'll be okay..." Harry assures, rubbing his hand over Louis' back.

Louis squeezes his eyes shut, and stutters out, "I can't tell you..."

Harrys eyes glint in amusement, "why's that, darling?"

Louis wiggles a bit on Harry's lap, "it's a secret!"

Harry furrows his eyebrows, "is it something I did last night? When I was drunk..."

Louis' eyes widen momentarily as he remembers the events of last night. He clears his throat, voice still coming out higher then usual, "no, no. Nothing like that..."

"Okay..." Harry replies, unconvinced.

Louis pulls back, and cups Harry's face. "You were fine last night, nothing unusual happened," and yeah, Louis sort of feels bad for lying to Harry, but it's for the best. "I can't tell you the secret, because," Louis leans closer to Harry, "it's a secret!" he yells, giggling, and falling onto Harry's chest.

Harry gives him an unimpressed look, and stands up, picking the smaller boy up with him too.

He then throws the giggling boy into the bed. Not that that stops Louis from laughing, he just continues, and rolls around on the bed.

Suddenly Louis stops, and looks at Harry seriously. "I forgot to tell you, the boys are coming over tonight!"

Harry giggles, and lays down next to Louis, "okay, darling," he whispers, intertwining their hands together.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now