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"Cuddles first," Harry takes a deep breath in, smelling Louis' flowery shampoo. "Maybe fun bootytime later," he giggles, kissing Louis on the head.

Louis snuggles into him more, arms wrapping around his waist. "You feel skinny," Louis looks up, "When's the last time you ate?" Louis looks at Harry worridly.

Harry scratches his head, and thinks for a moment, "I don't remember," he chuckles, "I've been so focused on getting this essay done, and missing you..."

"No excuses, pretty boy. You've got to eat to keep your beautiful body healthy," he kisses Harry's chest softly, and uses his hand to push himself up.

"I'm sorry," Harry pouts, "please don't leave..."

Louis scoffs, an amused look on his face, "I'm not leaving you, silly. I'm getting you some clothes, that aren't pyjamas," Louis looks at his outfit pointedly, "then we're going out to get food, okay?" Louis kisses both of Harry's cheeks, and gets off the bed.

Harry beams, "that sounds great, Lou."

"I know right," Louis winks, "I have some great ideas, I tell you."

"Yeah, yeah," Harry waves Louis off, an amused look lacing his face.

"Alright," Louis grabs a black tee shirt, and some black skinny jeans, "put these on, curly!"


Louis, and Harry walk into the cafe, Harry's hand firmly grasped in Louis'. The sky is dark, but the cafe is bright.

They find a table set up for two people, "we've never been here before," Harry says looking around, smiling at an older lady who is sat with an older man.

Louis smiles, and reaches his hand over the table to grab Harry's hand, his face turning into worry at the fact Harry hasn't eaten, "are you feeling okay? Not sick of anything..."

Harry smiles, squeezing Louis' hand, "stop worrying, boo. I'm fine," he lifts Louis' hand up to his lips, and places a soft kiss on it. Louis blushes, and smiles at Harry, getting lost in his eyes for a moment.

"Your eyes are so pretty," Louis breaths out, staring deeply into his eyes.

Harry smiles, and looks down, before casting his eyes back up to Louis' that seem to be twinkling. "Yours are prettier..."

Louis shakes his head, and opens his mouth to say something, when a woman with red hair, and a navy blue apron arrives at their table. "Good evening, guys. Are you ready to order?" she moves her fluffy fringe out of her eyes.

"Yes?" Louis looks at Harry who nods, Louis quickly scans the small laminated menu that was on the table. "I'll have the burger please..."

Harry feels his stomach grumble, "I'll have the same thanks," he smiles at her, she returns it, and then takes their menus.

"Would you like any drinks with that?"

"Two cokes please," Louis winks at Harry, knowing its his favourite drink.

"How did you know what I was going to order?" Harry asks, a cheeky smile on his face, once the waitress had left.

Louis rolls his eyes, amused look on his face, "you always order the same thing, Harry dear..."

"I guess you're right," Harry chuckles.


"You ready to go, pretty boy?" Louis smiles, at Harry, and starts to get up.

"Yes!" Harry finishes his glass of coke, and stands up also, pushing his chair in, and walking over to grab Louis' hand.

They both walk up to the counter, and go to pay for their own meals. Although, it ends up Louis paying for both, as he insists that he brought Harry here for a treat, and he didn't want Harry paying for anything.

They thank the waitress, and go to make their way out, before getting stopped by the older lady.

"You two shouldn't be doing that," she points her shaky, wrinkly finger at their intertwined hands.

Louis scoffs, "and why the hell not?" he let's go of Harry's hand, to cross his arms over his chest. Harry wraps his arm around Louis' shoulders protectively.

"Because that means you are fags, and fags are abominations..." she shakes her head at them.

"You know what else fags do?" Louis smirks, uncrossing his arms, and stepping out from under Harry's.

"What?" the lady hisses.

Louis grabs the collar of Harry's shirt, and pulls him towards himself. Their lips connect, and Harry let's out a gasp, before settling into it, and kissing Louis back. He brings his hand up to cup Louis' cheek, as they move their lips against eachother passionately, desperately. Like they've both been longing for this moment.

Louis pulls back, and stares into Harry's eyes for a minute, before leaning forward again to place a peck on his lips. Both their eyes twinkle, and their cheeks blushed, as they smile shyly at each other.

"I'm disgusted!" the old lady says, and pushes away her plate of food, "I've lost my appetite now."

"Well, I've just gained mine," Louis bites his lip, and slaps Harry ass. "Gotta go take care of some business, have a good night," he winks, and grabs Harry's hand, guiding him out of the cafe.

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