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Nobody says anything so Niall decides to spin the bottle, it lands on Zayn. He crawls across the floor, and quickly pecks Zayns lips.

"That wasn't a kiss!" Luke sighs dramatically.

Zayn groans, and grabs Niall's face, pulling him back in, and kissing him properly.

Claps, and wolf whistles fill the semi silent room.

Zayn pulls back, "is that a real kiss for you?" Zayn smirks, and let's Niall.go so he can crawl back to where he was seated earlier.

Zayn is next to spin the bottle, and it lands on Jack. Zayn gives him an awkward smile, and crawls over to him. They place their lips on each other, and wait a few seconds before pulling away.

Louis fiddles with his hands nervously, his heart thumps. This bottle better not land on Harry.

And of course as soon as Louis thinks that, the bottle lands on Harry. Louis takes a deep breath, and looks over to Jack. He is blushing like crazy, and Harry is just smiling.

Jack makes his way over to Harry, ans sits on his knees in front of him. Louis watches as Jack makes stuttered movements.

"Are you going to do it, or?..." Harry smirks, and leans forward. Jack nods, and closes the gap, kissing Harry rather deeply. Louis' heart drops at that, as he stares

Harry pulls back, a bit out a breath, his eyes widen. He chuckles nervously, as he watched Jack go back to his seat, still blushing.

Harry looks over to Louis, who rolls his eyes at him, and looks away.

Harry bites his lip, and spins the bottle. It's lands on Louis, not that the older boy notices, to busy looking away pouting.

Harry places a hand on Louis' thigh, and squeezes it a little. Louis looks down at the hand, then back to Harry's eyes.

"What?" he asks, snappily.

Harry frowns, and points at the bottle.

"Oh..." he looks down, a small smile finding it's way to his face.

"Come in boys, we don't have all night!" Niall yells.

Louis straddles Harry's lap, and gently cups his face, thumb dipping into Harry's deep dimple. They both give each other a toothy grin, before leaning in slowly. Louis captures Harry's plump bottom lip between his own.

They move them against each other for a while, trying to get as close as possible, gripping at each other's shirts.

Louis let's out a moaning, whine sound. They both still, and one of the boys clears their throat. They disconnect, and stare at each other wide eyed, before Louis is making a move to scramble off of Harry's lap.

"Right... Who's up for a movie?" Niall questions, cutting through the awkward silence.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now