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Harry sits down in one of the many chairs in the lecture room, right next to one of his friends, Niall.

"Hey, mate!" Niall says, a little too loudly for Harry's liking.

"Shut up!" Harry groans, hitting his head against the laptop desk attached to his chair.

"Big night?" Niall asks, patting Harry on the back.

Harry just groans again, wishing he was just in bed right now, sleeping.

Last night him and Louis had gotten extremely drunk, they danced, sang karaoke, and went back to their rooms to drink more. Fair to say that that wasn't the best decision they've ever made.

"Lou, mate! You look like death..." Niall chuckles out, and Harry lifts his head to look at Louis.

"Shut it, leprechaun!" Louis hisses out, as he sits next to Harry, sunglasses over his eyes, and a bottle of some energy drink in his hand.

"Hi, bub," Louis smiles at Harry, bringing his hand up to gently move a curl off his face. "You feeling okay?" he asks him, voice soft and caring.

"I feel like shit," Harry says, leaning closer to Louis.

"Alright everyone!" Liam, their lecturer claps from the front of the room. "Today I want you to continue working on your essay..."

"Gosh, he's so fit," Louis whispers to Harry, biting his lips.

"I know... Fuck, look at his muscles!" Harry stares at him, imagining a lot of things. "I wish I was as hot as him," Harry pouts, secretly wishing Louis was calling him fit.

"Oh, Harry," Louis giggles, "have you seen yourself?! You're wank material at it's finest... If you weren't my best friend I'd have bedded you a long time ago!" Louis tells him, grasping Harry's thigh with his hand.

Harry blushes, and nervously chuckles, "you're wank material too," Harry scratched the back of his neck.

"So I've been told," Louis laughs, and looks back at Liam. Harry's eyebrows screw in confusion as he wonders who told Louis that.

"How much of the essay have you guys done?" Niall questions the boys, looking at his laptop seeing he has only wrote 175 words.

Harry, and Louis both grab their laptops out, and log in.

"I've done 1,567 words," Harry tells Niall, looking over at him smiling.

"And I've done 1,456 words. Why? How many have you done Niall?" Louis leans forward so he can see Niall.

"I-uh," Niall scratches the back of his neck, "I've done 175 words..."

Louis pushes the sunglasses up onto his head, "the fuck?"

Harry laughs, "oh, Niall. Trust you!"

"I'm fucked, aren't I?" Niall groans.

Louis, and Harry look at each other, with a large smile on each of their faces. "Yep!" they say in unison.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now