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Louis, and Harry get back into Harry's dorm, hands still linked together, both out of breath.

They had ran back to the dorm, giggling, and being silly. They kept talking about the woman's face, and her reaction. Harry told Louis how great, and how funny he was, Louis had blushed of course, living for Harrys praise.

And at one point, Louis had even fell over, which lead Harry to falling over as well from laughing so hard.

Once they had sat up, they stayed there for a minute, too weak from all the laughing to stand up.

Even after all that, neither of them had mentioned then kiss, or the very obvious moment they had together.

Or how they both craved more.

"Oh, gosh," Louis lays back onto the bed, panting from exhaustion. "I'm never running again," he puts his hand on his stomach.

Harry belly flops onto the bed, "me neither," he groans, taking deep breaths.

"We should go out with the boys," Louis says after a minute, turning on his side to look at Harry.

Harry rolls over to look at Louis, "when?"

"Tonight! Let's go clubbing," Louis stands up, and grabs both of Harry's hands, trying to pull him up also.

"I don't know, Lou... I'm kind of tired," Harry pouts, resisting against Louis' grip that's trying to pull him up.

"Oh come on, Hazzy baby," Louis loses his footing, and falls on top of him, giggling, and blushing.

"Let's just cuddle... I like cuddling you," Harry looks between Louis' eyes, and lips.

"I like cuddling you too, bub. Love it. But I want to go out, get drunk, let's have some fun, baby..." Louis pouts, still laying on top of Harry.

Harry sighs, and smirks, "we could have fun here, Lou," he jokes, gripping both of Louis' ass cheeks in his hands.

Louis gasps, "you dirty boy!" he slaps Harry's chest, but pushes his butt back into Harry's hands.

"I'm joking," Harry laughs, removing his hands, he then sighs, "fine, I'll go clubbing with you."

"Yay!" Louis rolls off of Harry, "you text the boys!"


"This is gonna be so much fun!" Niall comments, as they all pile in to Zayns car, Zayn driving, Niall in the passenger seat, and Louis, and Harry in the back.

"Not for me," Zayn rolls his eyes, as he pulls out of the car park.

"Just because you aren't drinking, doesn't mean you won't have a good time, mate," Niall puts his hand on Zaybs shoulder, "if it makes you feel any better, I won't drink either."

"You don't have to do that Niall, I was just teasing."

"No, no. I want to. Plus I think you'll need help getting these two love birds in the back home safely," Niall tells him, looking into the rear vision mirror at Louis, and Harry who are extremely close, and talking whilst staring into each other's eyes.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now