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"Should I go?" Louis questions, flicking his eyes down to Harry's bulge.

They had just gotten back in to the dorm, and Louis thought Harry might need some... Alone time.

Harry clears his throat, and follows Louis' gaze. "No, uh. I'll have a cold shower, then we can watch some movies or something."

Louis shakes his head, a smile on his face. He touches Harry's chest, "I'm going to my dorm, okay? Jack isn't here... Have fun, Harry. You deserve it."

"But I'd much rather hang out with you..." Harry pouts, putting his hand over Louis'.

"You've been hanging out with me since the accident, youve looked after me. You need some time to yourself..."

Harry sighs, rolls his eyes, and gives Louis an annoyed look. To which Louis just gives him amused one.

"I'm going now, have fun jerking off without me!" Louis giggles, flipping Harry off, and poking his tongue out, before leaving.

Harry groans, and palms his face... He hasn't wanked in a while... It wouldn't hurt, right?

He sighs, he knows Louis is right. But he didn't want Louis to feel the need to leave. He wanted Louis to stay over, and cuddle. But no, Harry dick just had to get hard.

He takes his hand off of his face, and sits down in the middle of the bed, taking his phone out of his pocket, and putting it next to him.

He hesitantly palms himself through his jeans, moaning a little at the first contact. He is almost fully hard...

He knows any thoughts about the movie won't help him, it was okay, and yes it made him hard. But it wouldn't get the job done.

He decides he will watch something. He gets on his phone, using his touch ID to get in whilst still palming his bulge with the other hand.

He gets onto pornhub, and looks through the suggested, so basically what is trending.

It comes up with cam boy... Harry had seen something about them once before, but never really looked into it. But today he decides too.

He bites his lip, and closes his eyes tightly as the screen loads, rocking into his own hand.

He probably won't last long if he keeps teasing himself.

Once he has opened his eyes, the screen has loaded, he clicks on the most trending profile, they must be good if so many people watch their videos.

He gasps when he sees the profile picture of the maker of the videos... It's almost looks like...

No. It's couldn't be. Harry shakes his head at the thought... Although it does look a lot like Louis' tattoos, and Louis' dorm.

Harry's breathing becomes quicker... This couldn't be Louis, Louis isn't a cam boy! This must be a dream... But why would he be dreaming about his best friend? Sure, Louis is very attractive. And so, so curvy.

Harry quickly taps on the first video, so curious... And aroused. While it's loading he quickly discards of all of his clothing, and lays down.

The video starts, and all the air feels like its been knocked out of Harry's lungs

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The video starts, and all the air feels like its been knocked out of Harry's lungs. It is Louis. The tattoos... Including the 'H' on his finger, the ring of Harry's he always wears. Even Harry's lilac sweater! It's all there... Harry cannot belive.

He must've spaced out for a because when he focuses on the screen again, Louis is whimpering 'daddy,' over, and over again, whilst riding a pink, sparkly dildo. He almost feels like coming then, and there... Louis looks so small, and feminine. Not anything like the Louis Harry knows, who acts very manly, and sassy.

Harry moans, and takes himself fully in his hand, and quickly starts pumping. It hurts so much, he needs this so bad. He kind of wishes Louis was here. Oh the things he would do to him if he had the chance right now.

He watches as Louis turns around, bum facing the camera. He slides the dildo in, and out of his clenching hole. Letting our filthy moans. He jerks forward a little, thick thighs shaking. Harry watches as Louis' hole stretched around the dildo, which is just a bit bigger then Harry's size.

Harry quickly grabs the base of his cock, not wanting to finish too fast, but he is close. So close.

"Uh, Lou," Harry whines, rubbing his thumb over the slit of his member, a bead of precum squirts out. He closes his eyes for a minute, and imagines Louis giving him a hand job. He really wishes it was Louis.

"Oh, shit!" Louis splutters on the video, "shit daddy, need to cum so bad please."

To Harry it sounds like Louis is almost crying... And that turns Harry on even more, the thought of Louis being in so much pleasure he is actually crying.

Louis takes it so good. It fills up his tight hole so good.

Harry fucks up into his hand, listening to Louis' whimpers, that start to drown out as Harry's moans get louder.

Suddenly Harry is spilling into his hand, hips becoming erratic as he chases his high, letting out 'uhs' and 'Louis'.

Once he has had a moment to catch his breath, he looks at his phone. The video is finished... And it dawns on him what has just happened.

Louis is a cam boy. And he has just jerked off over his best friend.


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