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Louis let's out a breathy whine, as Harry slams him against the wall, and picks him up by the waist. Louis quickly wraps his legs around Harry, and tips his head back, letting Harry suck on his neck.

"Please, please, please, Haz!" Louis cries brokenly. Rutting against Harry.

Harry breathes heavily against Louis' neck, eyebrows screwed together. "Need to be inside of you so bad." his voice is whiney, and needy.

Louis tangles his hands in Harry's hair, and tugs a little to make Harry pull back.

"Take me to the bed, babe," he mumbles, and connects his lips with Harry for a sloppy kiss.

Harry walks them over to the bed, and lays Louis down. He detactches himself from the boy, and starts to himself undress himself. He takes off his pants first, and then goes to take off his hoodie, and shirt. He realises the vibrator remote is still in his pocket.

Harry smirks, and clicks it on again, watching Louis jolt, and moan in surprise.

"H-Har!" Louis chokes out, gripping the sheets in his fists. The vibrator is hitting right as his prostate. He shuts his eyes, and let's out little 'uhs'.

Harry finishes taking off his clothes, and then moves to take off Louis'. He takes off his shirt first, with not much effort. Then his pants, which was a little harder because of Louis' erratic rutting.

Harry hovers his naked body over Louis', turning the toy down a little. "Gosh, you're so beautiful, so gorgeous. So lucky to have you." Harry kisses down Louis' chest, tummy.

"Please hurry... Daddy," Louis whines, bitting his lip to contain his moans.

Harry finally gets down to Louis' member, he takes it in his hand, and pumps it a few times. He dips his tongue into the slit of the head, collecting the small beads of pre cum.

Louis fucks up into Harry's hands, letting out desperate sounds.

Harry stops, and starts to gently push the toy in, and out of Louis, before stopping that also.

He gets up, and goes to Louis' bed side table, getting the lube out of it.

"Can you get on your hands, and knees for me, darling?"

Louis splutters out, "yes," and does as his told.

Harry grabs his thighs from the back, and spreads them a little. They shake in anticipation, and pleasure.

Harry moans at the way Louis' hole stretched over the vibrator. He surges forward, and licks over the hot, stretched hole. Louis arms give out, and he falls onto his elbows.

The younger boy pulls the toy out of Louis, and puts some lube onto his fingers. He gently inserts two, whilst pumping, and squeezing his own length with his other hand.

Louis fucks back onto his fingers, "more! More, please!"

Harry adds another finger, curving them up to hit Louis' prostate.

"Harry! Right there!" Louis grinds his ass back, wanting to feel that pleasure in the pit of his stomach, that made him feel so so good again.

"Alright, baby. Gonna fuck you now. Lay on your back, want to see your face."

Louis does so, hair sticking to his forehead, cheeks red, eyes dazed, and glassy.

Harry speeds up his jerking, feeling to desperate to stop. He let's out laboured breaths, and whines.

Louis reaches over, and stops Harry's hand. "Just wait... It'll be better if you're inside of me."

Louis leans up, and grabs Harry's curls, pulling him towards him.

They desperately kiss, and moan into each other mouths. Louis feels the tip of Harry cock against his rim.

"Oh God! Get into me now Harry!" Louis' head falls back, as he wraps his legs around Harry's waist.

"I don't have a condom or lube on," Harry groans into the crook of Louis' neck.

"Got enough lube from your fingers, we're both clean. Please, baby!" Louis sobs, digging his heels into Harry's back.

"Fuck okay," Harry uses one of hands to guide himself against Louis' rim.

Harry slowly starts pushing in, Louis' mouth hangs open, a low moan escaping.

"Fuck," Harry hisses. "You're so tight!" he feels as though all the air had been knocked out of his lungs.

He goes in inch by inch, until he has bottom out, balls deep into Louis' hole.

"Move," Louis whispers desperately, trying so hard not to cum already.

Harry pulls his hips back, and snaps them forward. They both let's out loud moans, that could possible be heard in other dorms.

"You look so wrecked, so beautiful!" Harry grits out, repeating his previous actions

He leans back down to kiss Louis. Their teeth clash together, as they pant into each other's mouths. Harry licks into Louis' mouth. The older boy keens, and moans.

"Harder," Louis gasps, feeling so close, full, and pleasured.

Harry pounds into the smaller boy, watching as his whole body shakes underneath him.

"Harry need to cum!" Louis screams, his body moving with each thrust. He grips Harry's curls, as Harry hits right into his prostate.

They both reach their climax at the same time, Jaws becoming slack. Louis' body stills, and clenches, whilst Harry's keeps rocking, working them both through their orgasm.

Harry pulls out of Louis, and rolls over to the other side of the bed.

Both of their hearts are beating fast, their breathing irregular.

"That was so good, Haz!" Louis runs his hand through his fringe.

"I love you so much," Harry leans over, placing a kiss on Louis' collar bone, and makes a mental reminder to himself to mark it up next time.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now