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Harry grabs his phone, and dorm key. He has decided he is going to Louis' dorm to find out what is wrong. He needs answers.

Harry is about to leave, when the door opens a little, and Jack pokes his head in. He smiles at Harry, and makes the rest of his way in.

"Hey, Harry!" he yells out, accidentally because of nerves. He touches his beany cladded head self consciously.

"Hey, Jack. What's up?" Harry smiles, although a little annoyed. He wanted to leave now... But he can't be rude, can he?

"Not much, just got back from a class," Jack tells him, throwing his over the shoulder bag onto the bed.

"Oh yeah... Cool." Harry rubs the back of his neck, "I've got to get going, and see Lou."

Jack was seated by now, and starting to get out his art journal. He looks somewhat disappointed when Harry said he is leaving, but he tried very hard not to show it.

"Uh, yeah, of course... You go," he smiles at Harry.

Harry returns the smile, and goes to grab the door handle.

"Wait, Harry!" Jack gets off of the bed, and strides over to Harry.

"Yes?" Harry sighs, turning around to face Jack.

"I've been meaning to ask you this for some time now... But I didn't know how." he looks up at the taller boy, nervously.

"Just say it, it'll be okay," Harry looks at him confused, not knowing what's going on.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

Harrys eyes widen in shock, he fish mouths, before stuttering out incoherent words. "I don't think so..."

"Oh?... That's fine," Jack chuckles, nervously.

"It's just, I think I like someone..." Harry grimances, "I'm really sorry."

Jack swallows, "n-no problem! You can go find, uh, Louis now."

Harry half smiles before quickly making his way out of the room, and walking down the hall. He runs up the stairs, to get to Louis' level of building.

He gets outside Louis' room number, and knocks on the door. He would normally walk in, but he doesn't know how Louis is feeling about him at the moment.

He hears a click, and the door opens, revealing Louis in grey sweatpants, and no shirt. His hair is messy, but he still looks beautiful to Harry.

"What are you doing here, Haz?" Louis questions, rubbing his eyes.

"You havent been replying to my messages. I missed you," Harry reaches out to grab Louis' hand, to which Louis retracts.

"Can we just drop it?"

Harry casts his eyes down, and swallows thickly.

"Yeah, yeah," Harry whispers, and feels tears spring to his eyes.

He goes to walk away, feeling like his heart is in his throat. But he is stopped by Louis grabbing his arm, and pulling him into a hug.

"Oh, Haz. I'm so sorry..." Louis holds the taller boy tightly, as Harry let's out a few silent tears.


Both boys lay, facing eachother, staring into each other eyes.

Louis gently traces the features of Harry's face with his pointer finger, that has one of Harry's rings on it.

"I'm sorry for being such an idiot. Something was, well still is bothering me... I was scared." Louis' finger dips down, and traces Harry bottom lip, whilst he intently stares at them. Wanting nothing more to kiss them.

"You know you can tell me anything, right, Lou?" Harry moves his hand to Louis' hip, and gently kisses his finger.

"Some things I can't, bub... Just like you probably can't tell me some things. But I know you're always there for me, and just know I'm always there for you. No matter what, even if I'm in the shit mood I've been in the last few days."

"Thank you, Lou... I got asked on a date today,"

Louis immediately stiffens, dropping his hand away from Harry.

"W-what?" Louis knows it's Jack, and he feels like Harry said yes. His heart starts beating faster, and he looks into Harry Bright, green eyes.

"Jack asked me out..." Harry rubs patterns on Louis' hip with his finger.

"What did you say," Louis swallows thickly, closing his eyes.

"I said no..." Harry tells him, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

A look of relief blossoms over Louis' face, not that Harry notices.

For Harry the rejection to Jack didn't mean much, he felt bad for hurting the boy though. But for Louis, Harry saying no meant everything to him!

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now