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Harry sits on his bed, picking at a losoe thread on the comforter. Louis hadn't been replying to his messages... He hadn't spoken to him in two days, he wasn't even in classes. And what was most surprising to Harry is when he sent him a picture of Liam, Louis didn't reply with any dirty comments, or anythubg.

It hurts. It hurts so, so much.

He knows Louis has read them too... Because he seen he has been active on Instagram. He has been tagging Michael in funny cat videos on Facebook, instead of Harry.

He doesn't know what he did wrong either... They had the night with the boys, and they all slept over.

Harry, Jack, Niall, and Zayn in one bed, and Louis, Ashton, and Luke in the other.

Except what Harry didn't know was Louis had ended up sleeping on the floor next to Jack's bed, the side Harry was on. Harry's hand had been dangling beside the bed as he slept, and Louis had mindlessly held it in his hand most of the night.

But when Louis had gotten up, earlier then everyone else, Harry's hand was gone, and he was hugging Jack with it.

Harry stands up, and grabs his phone. He was alone in the dorm. Which he had been for ages. It was boring, and made Harry just worry more about Louis. He needed something to distract him, but he knows even if he did find something, there would be that lingering feeling in his stomach.

He needs Louis.

He types in Niall's number, and clicks the little phone on the screen. He puts it on speaker, and listens to the repetitive, shrill ring, growing irritated everytime the sound starts again.


"Niall!" Harry yells relieved he picked up.

"Yes, Harry?" Harry can hear Niall chewing something on the other side, which would normally make him chuckle, but not today.

"Have you heard from Louis?" he asks quietly.

"Yep! He was on the phone to Zayn earlier. Why's that?" Harry whimpers.

"Don't–don't worry about it. I've got to go. Bye, Niall."

"Goodbye, mate!"

Harry ends the call, ans drops the phone on his bed. His heart hurts. There is literal pain in his chest.

Why is Louis doing this to him? What has Harry done to him?

The last time he saw Louis they were fine. Getting along as usual. Cuddling, joking.

Harry needs to find out what is wrong.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now