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"I'm being kidnapped!" Louis yells.

"Louis, shush!" Harry giggles, hands still covering Louis' eyes. "Someone will call the cops on me or something."

Louis laughs, "remember that time I said I was gonna kidnap you, and we were gonna have bootyhole fun? Yeah? We should do that!"

Harry groans, but is amused, "maybe after our date, Princess!"

"Fine!" Louis huffs crossing his arms. "You better make it good though!"

Just as Harry was about to reply he feels Louis stumble a bit. He quickly takes his hands off of the boys eyes, and grabs his waist. He chuckles at Louis' not so manly squeal.

He makes sure Louis has his footing, before turning him around. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, no!" Louis crosses his eyes, then pretends to start crying. "You almost killed me! I was just allowed to take my moonboot off, you're doing this on purpose so it has to be put back on!"

"I am not!" Harry pouts, "I was just trying to make a surprise." Harry grabs Louis, and pulls him into a hug, "I'm sorry."

Louis pulls away, sensing actual sadness in Harry voice, "I'm joking, H," Louis leans up, and pecks his lips quickly.

"Well I guess the surprise is out now..." Harry motions to the cafe, him, and Louis came to that time.

"I remember this cafe! The food was so good, and we totally sassed out that old bitch."


"Sorry!" Louis giggles.

"You know why I brought you here?" Harry asks, wrapping his arms around Louis.

"Because we're hungry as fuck!" Louis whines, rubbing his belly.

"No..." Harry smiles, "I brought you here because this is where we had our first kiss."

Louis' eyes widen, a blush can just be seen because of the moonlight, and cafe lights. "Oh... That's the most romantic thing ever!" Louis attacks Harry's lips with kisses.


"Oh my god," Louis moans, putting more in his mouth.

"You like it I'm guessing?" Harry smirks.

"Yes! It's tastes so good," he takes another bite of pizza, and Harry chuckles, watching the tomato paste fall out of the corner of Louis' mouth.

He leans over, and wipes it off with the pad of his thumb. He is about to retract his hand, and wipe it on a napkin, when Louis latches onto it, and starts sucking.

The blue eyes boy, keeps his eyes on Harry. Making the sexual gesture, and Harry can only imagine how good it would feel to have Louis sucking... Something else.

"Be my boyfriend!" Harry blurts out, feeling very flustered.

Louis pulls off of Harry finger, and chuckles. Before turning really serious. "Yes, Harry... I'll be your boyfriend!"

"And by the way," Harry starts setting his hand on the table, "You don't know where my hand has been..."

"I know where I want it to go, though!" Louis winks.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now