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"You go ahead, baby. I'll be there in a minute," Louis leans up, and kisses Harry softly. "I love you... And for what it's worth, I thought your essay was incredible. I loved it more then anything."

Harry's pout deepens, "more then me?"

Louis shakes his head, "I love nothing more then you. But it's a close second," he winks at the curly boy, bringing a smile to his face.

"I'll see you soon," Harry tells him, and ducks down to kiss Louis' cheek.

Once everyone has gone, Louis walks up to Liam, who is sitting at his desk, looking at his laptop.

When Liam senses someone there he looks up. A small graces his face. "Louis!" he stands up, and walks around his desk. "What can I help you with?"

"Why did Harry get such a horrible mark?" Louis crosses his arms over his chest.

"Harrys essay was... Not up to my standard." Liam explains, adding an obviously fake pout at the end.

"Harry's work was amazing... And you know that too! Why did he get 48 percent?!" Louis grits out, eyes glaring at the older, much bigger man.

"Well you see... Harry has something I want."

"What? Writing skills? The ability to be a good human being?" Louis scoffs.


Louis' eyes widen, as he stutters out, "M-me?"

Liam smirks, and takes a step forward. "Yes. And I know you have a thing for me too, sweetheart."

Liam traces Louis' jawline with his pointer finger.

"No I don't!" Louis hisses out.

"I'm not deaf, Louis... I hear all the things you say about me."

Louis crinkles his nose, "most of those were jokes, and to make Harry jealous!"

Liam practically growls at the mention of Harry. He grabs the back of Louis' neck, and brings him forward into a kiss.

Louis tries to pull back, but he is locked into place by Liam's hand. But he does not kiss back.

He uses his small fists to bash against Liam's chest. Liam pulls back for a second, "stop wiggling, just enjoy!" Liam tells him angrily, and goes back to kissing him.

Suddenly the noise of the door closing is heard, followed by a loud gasp.

Liam pulls back quickly, and let's go of Louis' neck.

Louis looks towards the door, and his heart drops as he sees his boyfriend standing there.


Harry shakes his head, and covers his mouth with his hands. Louis can see tears building up in his eyes.

The curly haired boy let's out a muffled sob, and runs out of the room.

Louis stands there, frozen for a minute. "Look what you've done! You piece of shit!" tears fall from his eyes, as he leaves the lecturer room, and goes to find Harry.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now