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Louis makes a sound of approval, as Harry brings his body, that is hovering over the older boy closer.

"So pretty," Harry mumbles, ditaching their lips, and just looking at Louis for a minute. His hair it messy, and eyes are glazed over. Harry plants a kiss on his jaw line, and trails them down his neck.

"Haz," Louis let's out a breathy moan, bucking his hips up a little, to run himself against Harry.

Harry moans, and grinds down on Louis, wanting to feel that pleasure again.

He stops himself, "Lou," he somewhat moans, "we have to go out with the boys, remember?" Harry pecks Louis' lips, kissing the whine that was about to escape from the boys mouth away.

"I've got an idea," Louis tells Harry, eyes shimmering.

Harry ruts against Louis' thigh. "Yeah? What is it?"

Louis pushes Harry off, switching their positions. "I'm going to have a shower," he kisses Harry's lips, "you are going to do what you need to do in here... Then we're going out." Louis beams, and gets off of Harry.

The smaller boy walks to the bathroom, hips swaying sinfully.

He grins, and locks the door. Quickly getting on his hands, and knees opening the bottom drawer of his bathroom cabinet.

The drawer is filled with a bunch of dildos, and vibrators. "I knew I'd find a new use for you," he smiles at them.


Harry sits on the bed, his phone into his hand. He had just gotten dressed, still half hard. Which wasn't ideal, but he didn't have time to do everything, and then have a shower after Louis.

Not long later Louis walks out of the shower, fully dressed. He has a smirk on his face. "Miss me?" he straddles Harry.

"Very much so," Harry captures Louis' bottom lips in his own.

Harry feels Louis still, and moan a little. "You okay?"

"I've got a little bit of a surprise..." Louis giggles.

"Oh? And what would that be?" Harry raises an eyebrow.

Louis opens his hand, that shows a little remote. "I want you to control it whilst we are out with the boys," Louis whispers into Harry's ear, nibbling gently on it after.

Harry's jaw drops, and he moans. "Yes, fuck. Yes." He kisses Louis again, feeling the blue eyed boy smile into the kiss.

"I deleted the videos," he tells Harry.

"That's good, babe... Although I did wish I got to see more." Harry pouts.

"You're going to have the real thing soon," Louis watches as Harry takes the little remote, that turns the vibrator inside of Louis on. "And also... I've still got the videos on my phone. You can watch them whenever you want."

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now