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The four boys all pack into the booth at the club. "So..." Niall smirks, "how have you guys been?"

Louis looks over, and grins at Harry, resting his head on Harry's broad shoulder. "We've been really good!"

Niall smiles genuinely at the two, "I'm glad. I always knew you guys would be the cutest couple!"

Zayn nods, and chuckles, "he called it the moment you guys met!"

"Ugh, don't bring that up!" Harry whines, not wanting to go over it.

"I can't belive you slept with my boyfriend," Louis shakes his head, but with a smile on his face.

"I didn't know he was your boyfriend! I just thought he was my boyfriend," Louis giggles at that, resting his head on Harry shoulder, and taking a sip of his fruity beverage.

"He was a dickhead anyway," Louis shrugs putting his drink down.

"Yeah, he was." Harry smirks, and reaches into the hoodie Louis made him wear, not wanting him to get a cold.

Louis glances at Harry's hand, and swallows.

"So how's Perrie?" and then he feels it, "O-oh."

"What?" Zayn looks at the boy confused.

Harry rolled his eyes, "how is Perrie?" Harry uses the hand that isn't holding the remote to stroke Louis' back.

He glances over at the boy, who is wiggling a little, face blushing, and he looks like he wants to moan... But he can't.

"She's good," Zayn shrugs, "I guess she is... She has a new boyfriend," he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh... I'm sorry mate," Harry gives him a sympathetic smile.

"Nah, it's cool. Just means I can give heart eyes to Liam. It honestly should be a crime to make a lecturer so hot."

"He's mine!" Louis chokes out. Harry's jaw clenches, as he hits the remote up on a higher setting.

Louis let's out a strangled sound, and presses his head against Harry's shoulder. He sinks his teeth into the hoodie material to bite back a moan.

The vibrator pulsates inside of him, just pressing on the prostate.

"Oh God, Haz." Louis whimpers, grabbing Harry's bicep with his hands.

"Um, actually Liam is mine," Zayn shrugs, and watches Louis, and Harry weirdly.

Niall shrugs, and turns to Zayn, getting into a conversation about Perrie.

Harry takes this opportunity to turn it up again. Louis practically jumps, whole body jerking. He let's out a moan, that can only be heard by Harry since the music is so loud.

He rubs his hand down Louis' back, and places it on his ass. Almost moaning himself. He moves it more, and feels the toy sticking out a little. The younger boy quickly pushes it in, and Louis' while body stills. His mouth forms an 'o' shape, as he grips onto Harry's arm harder.

Harry turns it off, and smirks at Louis. He knows he just came, and if Harry's being honest he isn't to far away from it also.

"Hey, boys. Louis isn't feeling too well. I'm going to take him back to the dorm."

"Oh okay, mate." Zayn smiles, and looks at Louis, seeing he is in fact very flushed. "We'll cover the drinks, you guys just get home."

"Thanks guys, we'll pay next time!" Harry smiles, and takes Louis' hand, standing up, and pulling Louis right behind him, so nobody sees the wet patch on Louis' pants.

They make it outside, and flag down a taxi. Once they're in, and on their way to the college, Harry grabs Louis' hand, and places it on his crotch.

"See what you did to me?..." he whispers huskily.

Louis nods, and looks at Harry with big, innocent eyes. He squeezes it a little, and Harry let's out a breathy moan. "The things I'm going to do to you when we get home," Harry growls out.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now