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"We are here, and we have beer!" Niall yells from the outside of the dorm door.

"Shut up, Niall!" Zayn whispers harshly, but it's loud enough for the three boys in the room to hear.

"You'll get us into trouble!" an Australian accent says, which Louis, and Harry recognise clearly.

Harry quickly gets up from his cuddling position with Louis, and opens the door.

In front of him stands Niall, Zayn, Ashton, and Luke. He smiles at them, and let's them in, looking over at Jack to see if he had any objections. He just looked up, and smiled at Harry, and continued drawing in his art journal.

"Lets get this party started!" Niall says, and sits on the floor. He rips the plastic, that conceals the beer. Niall grabs a can, and cracks it open.

Zayn sighs, and gets on the ground also, grabbing one for himself. It is only now Louis notices they're in pyjamas.

"So... What are we gonna do?" Harry asks, wrinkling his nose at the thought of drinking.

Luke speaks up, "we should play truth or dare, or maybe spin the bottle!"

"Yes, Luke! Good idea," Ashton leans over a kisses Luke's lips.

Niall groans, "get a room!"

"No," Ashton sticks his middle finger up at Niall.

"Alright," Louis stands up, and claps. "Shall we play a game of spin the bottle?"

Harry side glances at Louis, a smile on his face. He nods when Louis looks over at him.

Everyone sits on the ground in a circle, they're about to start when Harry notices not everyone is on the ground. "Jack?" he looks at the boy who is still drawing something. "Do you wanna play?"

Jack looks up from his painting, and stares at Harry a bit, a small smile on his face. He snaps out of it, and shakes his head. "No, no. You guys play. I wouldn't want to impose."

"You wouldn't be! Don't be silly, Jack. You're welcome to play!" Harry assures, smiling at Jack.

Louis looks at Harry, a frown on his face. He puts his hand over Harry's, and Harry looks over to him, a confused look covers his face, as he mouths a 'what?'.

Louis huffs, and removes his hand. He glares at Jack as he makes his way to sit down between Ashton, and Niall.

Niall grabs a water bottle out of his gym bag, and puts it in the middle of all of them. "Who will spin first?" he grins.

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