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"Guess what?!" Zayn exclaims, sitting down at the table where Niall, Harry, and Louis are sat at.

"What?" Harry asks, stealing one of Louis' cheese and gravy fries. Louis slaps Harry really hard, causing a yelp out of Harry, and a pout to form on his face.

"Stop stealing my fucking chips, bitch," Louis whispers to Harry, pinching his hip.

Harry crosses his arms, "you're a bitch!" he pokes his tongue out at Louis.

"Anyway... Perrie, and I," Zayn makes a hand gesture, "last night..."

Niall whistles, patting Zayn on the back, "you dirty bastard, you got in!"

Harry, and Louis roll their eyes. "I've got more important news!" Louis says, flipping off Zayn.

"Don't be rude," Harry mutters.

Louis glares at Harry, and puts his hand down. "I'm buying Harry, and I a tattoo in like an hour!"

"Why is Harry your favourite?!" Niall asks, his eyebrows drawn together.

"Because Harry is curly, and pretty. You're both ugly!"

"Hey!" Niall glares at him, "you're the ugly one here, Tommo. Am I right Haz?"

Harry looks at Louis for a few seconds, before smiling, and shaking his head. "Louis is the prettiest here..."

Louis smiles fondly at Harry, watching how a blush rises to his cheeks. He cups Harrys hot cheek, and smiles. "Thank you, bub..." he then turns to Niall, "told you!"


"I'm nervous, Haz..." Louis tells him, looking through the book of all different tattoos.

"Don't be, it hurts a little... But you get used to to after a while. Plus I'll be there holding your hand." Harry kisses the side of his head.

"I suppose so, I dont know how you do it all the time," Louis says rubbing his hand down Harry's tattooed arm. "it suits you, though... Makes you look like such a bad boy," Louis winks at him.

Harry smirks, "even with tattoos I bet you'll still look like a twink!"

"Hey!" Louis slaps him on the arm, and Harry chuckles. "That's rude..."

After Harry's laughing dies down, he tells Louis, "you don't have to pay for me, you know?"

"I want to, though!" Louis says sternly, still flicking through the book.

"Where are you getting all this money from anyway? Tattoos cost a lot, Lou..."

Louis' eyes momentarily widen, before he is chocking out, "I've been saving..."

Harry looks at him unconvinced for a moment, "if you say so."


Louis looks at Harry, tears in his eyes, and his lips pursed. "it hurts," he whines, squeezing Harry's hand tighter.

"I know, Lou... You're doing so well, though. It's nearly done," Harry leans down, and kisses Louis' hand.

Louis nods, and closes his eyes. He had decided to get a 'H' on the ring finger, except on the right hand.

Harry was getting the same except an 'L'. Louis had explained to Harry that he wanted his first tattoo to be a matching one, so there was a purpose, and who was Harry to say no?

"Alright, mate. It's done," the tattoo artist, tells him, wiping over it with something. "Just gonna wrap it up, then I'll do curlys over here."

Louis giggles at that, beaming at his best friend. Louis mouths 'I love you,' to Harry, to which he easily returns.

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now