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"Harry," Louis looks up from his phone, and looks at Harry, who is reading a book on the couch.

The curly haired boy casts his eyes up, "yeah?"

"I'm going to go out with Zayn tonight... Do you want to come?" Louis questions, standing up off of the bed, to walk over to Harry.

Harry puts a book mark in the page he is reading, and sets the book on the small table next to him.

Louis straddles Harry's lap, and Harry grips onto his waist. "I think I'll just stay home tonight, is that okay?" Harry moves a piece of hair out of Louis' face.

Louis pouts, "but I'll miss you!" he fake sobs, leaning his head on Harrys shoulder.

Harry chuckles, "I'll miss you too! But I have to study, I don't have magical brains like you."

Louis scoffs, "don't insult your brain, it's the cutest ever!"

"What?" Harry laughs.

Louis looks confused, "I don't know what that meant..."

Harry smiles at him, "I'm surprised you passed kindergarten..."

Louis' jaw drops, "excuseee me?" he raises an eyebrow. "That. Hurt. My. Heart," he dramatically clutches his chest, a sad expression on his face.

Harry cups both of Louis' cheeks, and brings him forward, placing a kiss on his head. "I was only joking, silly."

Louis giggles, "I know, I know... Are you sure you don't want to come out with us? It'll be fun!"

Harry seems to think about it for a minute, before shaking his head. "No, no. I should stay here, but you go out, and have fun."

"Ugh, okay. But you have to help me chose an outfit!"

Harry groans, "fineee!"


Harry hears the shower turn off, and looks in tge direction of the bathroom. Not to be creepy or anything... He just wants to make sure Louis is okay... Yeah, that's why.

Louis walks out, a towel low on this curvy hips. It's almost names Harry drool. He doesn't know when these feelings, and desired happened, but he really needs to somehow turn them off.

He grabs a pillow, and sets it on his lap, a small blush rising to his cheek... He can't believe this has happened. Of course he has to have gotten a boner over his best friend.

And the worst part is Louis hasn't even done anything remotely sexual to make Harry feel this way.

"Harry?" Louis waves his hand in front of the curly haired boys face.

Harry snaps out of his daydream, and looks at Louis, whose blue eyes are shining.

"Are you okay? You zoned out," Louis chuckles, and walks over to his back pack he keeps at Harry with clothes in it.

"I'm fine," Harry rushes out, and watches Louis bend over.

He closes his eyes, and tries to calm down, but that just made it worse. His imagination travels to the image of him ripping off Louis' towel.

"How about this outfit?" Harry snaps his eyes open, and looks up, and down Louis' body. He must've been lost in his imagination for quite some time, as Louis is already dressed.

He had tight fitting, black jeans on, with a white tank top. The outfit shows off his curves so well.

"You look great," Harry tells him, voice deep, and husky.

Louis raises his eyebrow at him, and let's out a chuckle. "Thanks, Hazzy." Louis checks his watch, "I've got to go on a minute."

Harry frowns, "I don't want you to leave... I'll miss you. I'm going to be worried about you all night!"

Louis smirks, and rolls his eyes. "I'll be fine, silly. I won't be back too. late, either. And I'll text you all night. Okay?"

Harry smiles, "Okay, I'll see you later."

Louis just stands there, looking at Harry expectantly.

"What?" Harry chuckles.

"Aren't you going to give me a hug?"

Harrys eyes widen, if he moves Louis will see his... Problem.

"Oh!... Come here, I'm too tired to move," Harry opens his arms, and Louis rushes over, tackling him, making him fall backwards.

Luckily the pillow is between them, so Louis can't feel anything. But Harry can feel the pressure...

Louis peppers kisses all over Harrys face, using both of his hands to keep Harry's curls out of his face.

"I love you, and I'll see you later, okay?" he says, feeling Harry hands tighten on his hips, places one last kiss on Harry's nose.

"I love you too, Lou. See you later."

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now