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Louis gets back to his room, out of breath. He had just ran around the entire campus looking for Harry.

He opens the door, and gasps when he sees Harry sitting on the bed.

"Haz!" he yells, relieved to finally have found him.

Harry looks up. "You know..." he sniffs, and plays with his sweater paw. "I always knew you liked him... And you think his perfect, and amazing." Harry sobs, covering his mouth with his sweater paw clad hand, "but I'd never thought you'd actually..."

"Baby, no." Louis chokes out, and walks over to Harry, sitting next to him, and doing the best he can to cuddle him. "He kissed me. I swear. I didn't want to... I only went there to tell him off about your mark."

"B-but you've always had a thing for him... You've got the chance now. He wants you." Harry closes his eyes, wet eyelashes flutter against his cheek.

"The only person I want is you!" Louis whines, and tries to hold Harry tighter. "I love you so much, Harry. I swear on my life that I didn't do anything in that kiss. It meant nothing."

Harry looks at Louis. "I'm scared."

Louis searches Harry's eyes, "why?"

"One day I'm going to lose you to someone better..." Harry mumbles, bringing his sleeve up to wipe his eyes.

Louis swallows, "that won't even happen... Nobody is better then you, Harry. You're the one, you're it for me. All I want is you."

"You don't know what the future is for us."

"No. You're right. I don't. But I don't know that no matter what, I want a future with you."

This brings a smile to Harry's face, as he looks at Louis to see any signs of dishonesty.

"I want to get married to you, and buy a house... I want to have kids with you. I want to share a cute study we decorate together, and write at the same time. I want all of that. But none of that is possible without you..."

Harry slowly brings his arms up around Louis.

"So tell me now, Harry. Will I have that? All of that with you." Louis asks Harry, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "Tell me you want this."

"I want it all," Harry chokes, out. Harry squeezes Louis tightly. "Gosh, Lou... I love you so much. That's everything I've ever wanted... You're everything I've ever wanted." Harry pulls Louis up into a sweet, soft kiss.

"How did I get so lucky?" Louis mumbles.

"I ask myself that every single day..."

Secret Seduction ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now