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The boy held a really tight expression; shocked almost. "You can mega evolve??" He asks.
I shook my fur and laced my right paw through my mane trying to make it look nicer.

"Well yeah. And by the way you can keep that crystal it looks like it's in good Hands anyway." I say confidently. I walked over to him and extended my paw.

"That was a really good battle. I hope to see you again sometime." I complemented, he seemed shocked at my gesture. "You're really civilized for a pokemon." He says leaving me hanging.

"Well that's the thing I'm not just any ordinary pokemon. I'm Unique, I'm not proud of that but I am proud that I just Ultimately Kicked Your butt!" I teased with a smile. He chuckled. "I think I might like you on my team." He says and my gaze hardens.

"No dude. I'm not-"
He throws a pokemon ball at me which wacks me in the face. "Hey! What the hell man?" I growled, as the pokeball didn't really do anything. "Oh, you already have a trainer." He says suprised.

"No, it's actually alot more complicated than that." He tilted his head. "How so?" I shrugged hesitantly. "Its hard to explain, I need to go though I have People waiting for my return, and I don't want to get in trouble for being out to late." I explained.

He seemed to understand but my paw remained extended. I decided to just grip his hand and shake it myself. "Thanks for battling me! I Hope you know this means we're rivals now!" I smile.

"Until next time." He nods me off with a small smile only a pokemon would be able to notice.

The entire way home I couldn't help but feel so prideful. I love a good battle, this is the only thing I've really ever looked forward to aside from going to the library back in my hometown.

I quickly went into an alleyway and shifted back. When I did; I bolted out the other end of the alleyway. I located my home just a few blocks away and kept running on The sidewalk until I felt my body ram into somebody.

"Oh jeez I'm so sorry i should've been looking where I was going."
I said and bent over to help pick up his Fallen pokeballs.
"Oh that's okay! It's my bad anyway I should've been more careful...hey I know you!" The boys raspy voice Caught me off guard.

I lifted my gaze and met the same Carmelized orbs that studied my every move from this morning when I went to pokemon school and rushed to my desk.

"Hey You know you didn't have to run off on your first day like that." He growles and I rolled my eyes. "I had more important things to do." I retort. "But those things still could've waited. Why do you even go to that school if your so careless about that?" He presses.

I sigh. "I didn't want to go to that school! My mom Forced me!! I Hate pokemon!!" I snapped Then shoved past him. "Hey! We're not done here!" He calls after me. I ignored him and kept walking home.

When I walked into my home I was greeted by my mom, who seemed to be anxiously pacing back and fourth across the house of Boxed up items. "Annalece Lesley justine!! Where on earth have you been!" She's steaming mad.

I rolled my eyes, "it doesn't matter." I snap. "Oh yes it does! I called professor kukui and he told me you left in the middle of class!" I ignored her as I shoved past her, and her scolding cleffairy; making my way to my room.

"Well I invited professor kukui over for dinner to apologise! And if you don't behave, we're not getting you any starter pokemon until your Ready to-
"I HATE POKEMON DON'T YOU GET THE HINT ALREADY?!!" I roared in her face and stormed down the hallway.

The Shapeshifter: pokemon sun&moon (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now