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~ Annalece ~

The sunlight Weighs down upon us- time continues rolling by- as we continuously beat the living daylight out of each stone.

Oblivious to our surroundings we'd kept going like that all day long.

I was suprised to find kukui suddenly at my side, waving his hand in front of my eyes, and doing the same to shadow.

Suddenly he Leaped in front of the rock, holding both arms on either side- almost if protecting the rock. Mere seconds before my fist slams into the center of his chest, my fist stops.

I shake my head, "professor? You know there are far less dangerous ways of getting my attention."
Brushing off that statement, his gaze softens; into a fatherly Like Expression. "Annalece! You've been doing this to yourself too long- look at your fists!!"

I pause, and scan my knuckles. They were Glistening- and raw. I wince at the sight, before moving my gaze over to the rock. A large black Hole- littered in soot as well as pieces of blood. I notice shadow on the ground suddenly whining and Blowing at its paws- due to the heat and speed of different attacks. "Oh- jeez I'm so sorry!" I scoop shadow up before trying to book it to the pokemon center.

My arm was soon stopped. I turn to kukui, whose exhaling in relief. "Come with me. I'll get you cleaned up, but ash and rockruff are missing and we need your help finding them." My brows querk in suprise, "missing??"

~ Time skip ~

After kukui had explained to me what was going on, I quickly Jumped Straight into action By shifting gears. After rushing to the edge of the beach I Was later greeted at the brink of town by both ash And pikachu.

Only this time- instead of There being some sort of infinite rush of energy within his aura all the time- today was different. He looked so drained, that literally the coloration of his Eyes were dark shades of purple.

Lumps and hues of black darkness, spill from the sacks of his eyes- forming bags from Exhaustion.

I tilt my head in suprise, "woah, what happened to you?" Considering the form I'm in, a casual yet lazy reaction to my pressence.

The professor shot past me, before scolding Ash "Look! Wondering off in the middle of the night Is inexcusable!" After that recent statement sank in, he pinches the bridge of his nose.

Ash only brushes his statement aside-his face drenched in dissapointment, "uh yeah professor. You're right. I'm sorry."
Rowlet chortles in relief, there you are, I'm, starving!!

Ash smiles warmly- despite having no ability to Understand what his pokemon were saying- it seemed as though he read them quite well.

He gazed down at the fluffy owl, plopping into his lap. Promise, allice and litten rush over to pikachu- rubbing noses and touching tails to greet one another.

Ash clears his throat. "Rockruff disappeared and I was really worried, so I went after it." I move my gaze over to the woods In slight shock- but find myself analysing The Sheer silence, as ash continues on explaining.

"I finally did find it, but it ran away....Do you think this has anything to do with rockruff evolving?"

The class ponders Ash's excuse in Understanding. Kukui and Olivia Exchange glances.

"You know, maybe...Lycanroc suddenly disappeared on me just before it evolved." Olivia spoke with kindness- and her lycanroc acknowledged that.

Olivia lowers her head down- giving him a scratch behind the ears. "It finally came back, but only after it's evolution was complete."

The Shapeshifter: pokemon sun&moon (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now